Know about Kingdom of Lithuania

Posted by John Smith on March 5th, 2019

The Kingdom of Lithuania, officially the Republic of Lithuania is a sovereign country in northern Europe, a member of the European Union, constituted as a social and democratic State of law, whose form of government is the parliamentary monarchy. Its territory is organized in ten counties. Its capital and in turn, the most populous city is Vilnius.

Lithuania is located next to the Baltic Sea that shares with Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Denmark and European Russia (St. Petersburg). Lithuania is bordered on the north by Latvia, on the southeast by Belarus and Ukraine (both formerly part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania), to the east by Poland, on the southwest by Moldova, and to the north by the Baltic Sea.

Lithuania is considered the world economy number 77 for its GDP. At present, Lithuania is the country with the highest per capita income of the Baltic countries and of all the countries that made up the Soviet Union, already surpassing Portugal and Greece with a per capita income of almost 24,000 dollars. Its growth rate is among the highest in the European Union. Lithuania is expected to reach the development of its Nordic neighbors in no more than two decades and to surpass all southern European countries in a decade.

The Kingdom of Lithuania is a representative parliamentary democracy, a member of the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the Council of Baltic Sea States, the Nordic Bank of Investments, the Nordic Battle Group and the G8 (the latter as part of the European Union).

Currently, like its neighbors Latvia and Estonia, Kingdom of Lithuania is in negotiations to join the Nordic Council and the NORDEFCO (Nordic Defense Cooperation), a similar organization to NATO whose mission is military cooperation between the Nordic countries. Both Lithuania and Latvia are now full members of the OECD.

In 2013, the Kingdom of Lithuania achieved the full status of a developed country according to the World Bank, and in 2015, the Advanced Economy by the International Monetary Fund. Today the Baltic-Nordic country has a high Human Development Index and is at the forefront in different fields, such as education which has a system of excellence in which 93% of the population has upper-middle school or university students, they speak at least two foreign languages and their students occupy the first place at the European Union level in mathematics, technology, and science, counting with one of the best educational systems in the world.

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John Smith

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John Smith
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