Into Reboots Maplestory M Mesos cashPosted by MaplestoryMCN on March 12th, 2019 Into Reboots Maplestory M Mesos cash shop maybe we can find these booster packs and possibly get the opportunity to get the Arcane familiars Of course I am not suggesting users pay for them because that would go against the concept of RebootHowever I wouldnt be lying when Id say I would be willing to put down a couple million meso for a Legendary package or two Or fiveIf Reboot should happen to acquire booster starter and mythical familiar packs players may have the chance to obtain the new familiars in the Arcane River region for a workaround of this dearth of this item gachapon as well as giving players a opportunity to acquire rarer familiars like bosses without needing to have an insane drop rate and a huge quantity of luckBecause Reboot has no market there would not be any value to them they would only be another decorative thing much like how seats are They can be covered via meso similar to redblack cubes or Miracle Circulators are I really do apologize for seemingly rambling on about this topic its merely familiars are a fun pastime of Maple M Mesos mine and Id imagine there are some others in Reboot which are as wellMapleStory I really dont recall what MTS stands forDalethI personally think the auction house relieved this issue a bit it did not stop people from selling the items but it gave more people the ability to market items
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