How to Use Differentiated Instruction Techniques for Classroom Management?Posted by Aavihshka Banerjee on March 13th, 2019 As we can imagine a classroom environment, paper airplanes are flying here and there and students trying to catch each other while running in between the desks. It is quite hard to define in words what a mess they can create in the class. In such circumstances, bad classroom management skills can definitely increase the stress level of the teachers. As per the estimates, it has been revealed that many teachers do lack in the professional expertise in classroom management skills and have to deal with stress while managing children in the classroom. However, this is not the end of the world for you. You can definitely hone your skills simply enrolling in a teacher training course in Kolkata. By doing so, you will learn and get trained in modern techniques that can help you improve the academic participation of the children and discipline management in the class. Through this post, we shall be exploring some of the differentiated instruction techniques of the classroom management that you will be learning during your teacher training course in Kolkata. You can implement the given below approach you in your teaching style to improve your expertise in classroom management: Role Model Behavior: Most of the students idealize their teacher and see them as their role model. Hence, you need to put into practice demonstrating the behavior that you wish to them to see in your students. There are some of the instances you need to bear in mind before you act in different situations. When you are discussing any topic or about the upcoming test, then you need to make sure that you use:
Allow Students to Help You Make Some Classroom Behavior Guidelines: It is considered to be the best approach that you will be learning during your teacher training course in Kolkata. You should always encourage your students to come forward and give their suggestions when it comes to the maintenance of classroom behavior. This way they will ensure the rules suggested by them is followed by everyone. For instance, ask them what level of noise they should maintain when the teacher isn’t in the class or during the discussion of the topic in the classroom teaching. Avoid Punishing the Entire Class: Sit and talk to the individual student for behavioural issue instead of punishing the entire class for the mistake done by one student. Hone your skill-set by improving your classroom management skills! Sign up for the teacher training course in Kolkata and feel more confident in the class. For more information about our courses and related courseware, please visit us at or call us on our toll-free number 022-40068096. Like it? Share it!More by this author |