Principles to be followed in vaccine preclinical assay (Part One)Posted by beauty33 on March 14th, 2019
(1) Meeting the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the State Drug Administration Law; (2) Conducting research on the prevalence of the disease to be prevented, including the degree of hazard of the disease, the type of the population involved, and the type and subtype of the pathogen; (3) Analyzing the effectiveness, safety and necessity of developing such products for disease prevention; (4) Studying the benefit-risk ratio of the product used to prevent the disease. According to the possible effects of the preventive program of the product and possible side effects or hazards, the overall trade-offs are evaluated, and measures to avoid or reduce its harmfulness or side effects are proposed. This evaluation will be one of the important basis for the approval of the program.
The bacterial strain used in the study of the vaccine must be proven to be the bacteria, virus or other pathogen causing the disease. If the strain is isolated from the human body, the following must be clear: (1). Name and source of the strain:
(2). Separation process of bacteria and strains
(3). Separation and passage characteristics of bacteria and strains The sample processing method, the first blind transmission confirmed the positive strain of the strain, the method for confirming the strain of the strain, the number of days of culture, the titer of the virus, the titration method, whether the animal is ill or died. (4). Establishment and preservation of bacterial strains The original bacterial strain, the titer, the name and concentration of the added protective agent, storage conditions, etc.; the primary bacterial strain refers to cells or medium that have been adapted to produce vaccines, which can stably pass and retain antigenicity. And has been tested for bacterial strains that can be used for vaccine production. The establishment of the seed lot should conform to the requirements of the current edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, “Management Regulations for the Use of Bacterial Species for the Identification of Biological Products”, and the seed batch should be subjected to the passage and limited generation of the bacterial strain to prove the main seed and the working seed. The consistency of the biological characteristics of the batch in the prescribed generation with the original bacterial strain. (5). Verification of bacterial strains
(1) If the live attenuated vaccine is developed, the biology, serotype, genotype and immunogenicity of the original strain should be studied; the attenuating method, the attenuating process, the degree of attenuation and the biology and serum after attenuating Type, genotype and immunogenicity, and compare the characteristics before and after attenuation, especially to make a definitive conclusion on the safety and immunogenicity after attenuation; (2) Verification methods for the attenuation characteristics, animals should be established Model and safety standards after attenuation and the basis for detecting and alerting for virulence responses; (3) In addition to the detection of general exogenous factors, the live attenuated vaccine for the preparation of injections should also verify the contamination of no retrovirus. The verification method can adopt the PERT method; (4) If the virus is known to have neurotropic toxicity, the verification requirements can be referred to "IABS Scientific workshop on neurovirulence test for live virus vaccines, WHO, 31 January 2005". To be continued in Part Two and Three. Like it? Share it!More by this author |