Top Essential Things To Bring To Yoga Teacher Training.

Posted by Toriko on March 15th, 2019

yoga training

Are you preparing for your yoga training sessions? The whole experience and anticipation can be fascinating for the first time yoga learners. But, it is crucial that you ensure to carry along some of the essentials that you will need for your practices. So without further ado, the following are some of the top essential things to bring to your yoga teaching training.

• A notebook

A notebook or a journal is an essential thing to carry for keeping your important notes about your yoga practices. You may not be able to note all the things that you carry out at the training, but writing a few essential details will help you for future references. For example, you can note down some of the complex words used in yoga and their meanings. If you happen to like a particular move you were taught at the training, you can note it down and maybe practice it when you get to your hotel room. The bottom line is, a journal will help you save essential details that you learn in your yoga teacher training classes.

• Carry more clothes

Carrying at least two to three yoga pants can save your day and enable you to enjoy your classes all through. This is crucial especially if you will be training under the sun or when the climates are a bit hot. Yoga classes are offered in intervals whereby you may have a lesson in the morning, and other training may happen in the afternoon. Since the last thing you want is to attend the second class smelling all sweaty, ensure that you have enough set of clothes to change.

• Some snacks will do

When I talk of snacks, I mean healthy meals. Don't pack your yoga bag with crisps and other sugary or refined foods as they may slow down your performance in the yoga class. Packing a few snacks such as the protein shake or the nuts can help sustain your body in between the workouts and before you break to have the actual course meals. Just make sure the snacks you carry are super healthy and easy to grasp as you continue with your classes. That is the reason the yoga trainees are advised to pack liquid snacks instead.

• Carry your mat

Although yoga mats are sold all over the world, there is a significant advantage when you carry your own when going for the training. This is because it is more comfortable working with a mat that you are used to unlike a new one and besides as you continue training on your mat, you will be able to “pour“ your energy on it. So pack your yoga mat as an essential when going for your training.

• Pack essential oils

Essential oils are essential for providing a soothing sensation feeling, and they are best known for lifting one's spirits. If you have been to a yoga class before, you would agree with me that some yoga moves are quite intense and involve a lot of body movements and stretches. So, to ensure that you can appear for the next training with the same body energy and spirit, it is crucial that you use the essential oils. When you go back to your hotel room, take a warm bath and then rub the oils to your body by massaging all the joints and muscles.

• Carry a mat cleanser

Yoga training is like other workouts, and therefore, you are guaranteed to sweat a lot. This in return causes the yoga mat to get filthy, and if you do not take care of it by ensuring it is clean after every session, you may notice some foul smell coming from the mat. Well. Since you cannot clean the mat using water, you can keep it clean by using perfumed cleansers.

• Hand Towels

Hand towels are an everyday essential recommended to enable you to keep your hands dry all through. The sides tend to sweat from the hand moves that are involved in the yoga practices. So, to ensure that you can keep a right balance when doing yoga practices with the hands, hold hand towels close for wiping off the sweat.

• Water bottle

Every workout requires one to stay hydrated, and yoga is no exception. Ensure to bring water when attending the classes to sip while you continue with the training. Note that you don't necessarily have to put water in your water bottle as you can use your preferred drink instead.

• Comfortable shoes

The most recommended shoes to carry when going for yoga training are slippers, sandals or flip-flops. Any shoe that you can quickly and comfortably slip in and out of your feet is recommended since you will be doing this when you enter the studio. Ensure the shoes that you carry can accommodate these activities.

• A cellphone

A yoga training to- pack -a list cannot be complete without mentioning one of an essential communication tool you will need if you are traveling away from your family. You will need to keep in touch and learn how your family members are doing. So, make sure to carry your mobile phone for this. Still, you could bring other communication gadgets such as tablets or laptops to live chat with them.


The list of the items that you will require for your yoga training is endless, but the above are the top best items that you must consider packing. If it is your first time to attend the yoga classes, make sure to seek guidance from your trainer regarding what to carry and what to leave.

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Joined: March 21st, 2018
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