Handmade PotteryPosted by Quality HandCraft on March 23rd, 2019 Many pottery manufacturers are no longer in business and so their pieces are valuable to collect. Some are considered antiques and should be displayed only. Some pottery companies are still manufacturing after over a century of business. Some relatively new pottery companies are producing interesting work of great quality with a more modern look. Whatever your taste you will be able to find something to fit your fancy. It used to be that the only way you could expose yourself to pottery, so as to learn about what is out there and its value, was by visiting antique shops, yard sales and purchasing books on the subject of Antique Pottery or going to retailers who stock one brand or another. Now learning and acquiring is made easy with the Internet and sites like eBay. Just the thousands of images of Art Pottery alone, found on the Internet, add up to quite an education. By researching Internet dealers and auction sites you can get a good idea of what various pieces of pottery are worth. You are also able to view rare pottery from all over the world and even acquire some if you like. Fez Pottery Collecting and displaying valuable Pottery can be a very satisfying hobby and can really beautify your home. There is quite a bit of history behind some of the companies who used to manufacture Ohio Pottery, their techniques and the artist they hired to design their lines. When this is researched it gives more value to the Pottery you display. The act of hand crafting pottery continues to be practiced today by hundreds of thousands of potters across the globe. Handmade Pottery is made for both functional purposes and for artistic expression. There are hundreds of styles and techniques available to modern day potters but they all follow the same general steps of handcrafted and hand thrown pottery. And of course because some pottery, such as Polish Pottery or Polish Stoneware, is hand painted even uniformed pottery of similar shapes and sizes can have a unique appearance. Though some modern day potters may use an electric pottery wheel as opposed to a kick wheel or manual potter's wheel the basic steps of how to make pottery have not changed in hundreds of years. Traditional Moroccan Ceramics Pottery is first thrown on the wheel (or hand shaped), then fired at extremely high temperatures exceeding 1,500 degrees. The first firing removes water and makes the piece retain its shape, the color of the pottery at this time is dependent on the clay and the kiln temperature. The second firing incorporates a glaze that is usually unique and often a closely guarded secret of the particular potter. Most pottery that is painted is done so between the 2 firings. The truly unique and beautiful colors of many handmade pottery pieces are dependent on many factors including the type of clay used which is often tied to a geographic area. Polish pottery and stoneware from the Bolshevik city of Poland for instance is famous for its white clay. Atlanta in the US is known for its vibrant red clay. The source Clay and the types of glazes and methods for applying and also other substances used in the firing process such as sawdust, sand, etc., help to determine the uniqueness of handcrafted pottery. OK, so we've determined handmade pottery dates back for a long time and there are many interesting aspects of its history and sure the pieces created are great to collect but what about the satisfaction of the act of making pottery? Even novices can enjoy a class in handmade pottery to better appreciate the special work performed by the thousands of excellent potters and artisans creating pottery art around the world. Children especially will enjoy the opportunity to try to create and decorate an object made from a lump of sticky dirt. Adults and kids can also enjoy the activity of painting their own pottery, an activity where they don't make the piece from clay but rather paint an unglazed piece of pottery such as a plate, a coffee mug, etc., and then return to pick it up after it has been fired. Most people who have not seen this process would be amazed at the before and after appearance of the piece they left at the shop and the one that they found upon return. Visit Here - Antique Moroccan Ceramics Like it? Share it!More by this author |