When Should You Take Your Back Pain & Knee Pain Seriously?

Posted by Hemant Kumar on April 6th, 2019

When you have back pain, it is important that you visit a Back pain clinic in Noida. Most people with back pain wait for it to go away within a few hours or a day or two. However, back pains can last up to a week because of minor reasons and then go away. People rely on rest, pain medications, and heat or cold application to get relief from the pain. The same is the case when people suffer from knee pain.

It is important to seek medical treatment at the earliest because you can never be sure about the underlying causes.

When to See a Doctor for Back Pain?

If you have persistent back pain that interferes with your movement, you should immediately visit a Back pain clinic in Noida. It is important to get diagnoses to determine the underlying cause. The pain can be an early indication of a major future problem and it is best to address it in time before it becomes complicated.

You should visit a Back pain clinic in Noida if your pain is associated with the following issues:

  • The pain occurs after a trauma
  • You have pain that lasts longer than a week
  • The pain is persistent and keeps getting worse
  • There is severe pain that doesn't subside even after a day
  • There is back pain at night
  • The pain is accompanied with numbness in the groin area, hips, or inner thighs

Knee Pain

Similar to back pain, knee pain should also be taken seriously. You should visit a Knee pain clinic in Noida if you suffer from the following problems:

  • If the pain lasts more than 2 days, you should visit a specialist. It is important to understand that the knee joint doesn't have any muscle covering. So the pain is caused in the joint and not in any muscle. The underlying cause for persistent pain could be injury to the cartilage covering the joint or to the meniscus.
  • If you have swelling for over 2 days, you should again take it seriously and go to a Knee pain clinic in Noida. Constant swelling can also be a sign of injury.
  • You should again take things seriously, if your knee joint has lower range of motion. It can be due to internal swelling. If there is instability or a feeling that your knee may collapse, it can mean that there is a ligament injury.

So if you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately go to a back pain or Knee pain clinic in Noida. Make sure to visit a specialist to get proper diagnosis and treatment.

Source by: https://jointefforts.atavist.com/back-pain-clinic-in-noidas62qg

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Hemant Kumar

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Hemant Kumar
Joined: March 23rd, 2017
Articles Posted: 61

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