Discover Genuine Health and Fitness via Geneva MassagePosted by Dr. Yogeet Kapoor on April 9th, 2019 Ayurveda in Sanskrit means “The Science of Life”. Knowledge for this method of healing science dates back to over 5000 years ago and great emphasis is placed on prevention and maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life. Ayurveda emphasis on creating a balance of body, mind and consciousness you can start by making lifestyle changes that will keep this balance the long-term. With custom made Ayurvedic treatments based on your constitution you can discover genuine health and fitness. Modern day illnesses are more a result of an unbalanced lifestyle than anything else. Ayurveda detox plays a crucial role in today’s world, where we hardy spend time to think about what we eat, don’t get enough exercise and enough sleep, there is a clear increase in ailments that could easily be prevented. Many people today are suffering from illnesses such as respiratory problems, bone, joint and stress related disorders, skin diseases, allergies and more. The Art Ayurveda emphasis that simply popping pills to take care of immediate symptoms does not make the root of all of your problems goes away. If your body is failing, there is a deeper cause to that. Feeling out of balance is usual thing for people living hectic life. Ayurveda works on observing the pattern of energy that every person has, which is different for everyone. It’s a combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics, which make up your own unique constitution. There are many factors (internal and external) that work to disturb this balance in your energy. Detox Geneve works to eliminate this factors and work to remove or minimize their effects. Ayurveda, there are three basic types of energy (dosha) present in all human beings: VATA (movement, air, and ether), PITTA (digestion, fire, water) and KAPHA (structure, earth, water). Since all people have the qualities of all these three dosha in them, but one is usually primary. In Ayurveda, the cause of disease is observed as the lack of proper cellular function due to an excess or deficiency of one of these dosha. Geneva Massage involves abhyanga that makes use of oily substances like oil and ghee. The heavy property increases bodily strength and Kapha. It has the ability of pacifying Vata dosha, increasing the strength of Kapha dosha and nourishing the body. Due to these properties it mitigates the aggravated Vata, increases the depleted Kapha and nourishes the body. L’essencce Holistique center of ayurveda, is commitment to heal, cleanse, relax and revitalize their clients with host of wellness treatment options such as massages, treatments and specialized diet programmers to fulfill personal goals to the more rigorous transformations in lifestyle. For more details visit our website Like it? Share it!More by this author |