IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment to prevent CKD

Posted by Vicky Kumar on April 12th, 2019


The inflammation of the IgA over time may even lead to chronic kidney disease if the underlying causes of IgA are not worked upon with the help of IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment.


Also known as Berger’s disease, IgA nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease occurring due to the presence of an antibody called immunoglobulin in the kidney. The inflammation of IgA over time harms your kidney’s ability to filter out toxins from the blood.

IgA is a type of protein needed by our body to help fight infections but the inflammation of IgA nephropathy causes the protein to be buildup forming clumps inside the glomeruli. The damage to the glomeruli may cause chronic kidney disease and even lead to end-stage renal disease if no IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment is taken.

Ayurvedic treatment is really helpful when it comes to restoring the health of the kidney without depending on allopathic medications.  Ayurvedic medicines work on the underlying causes so that the disease can be slowed down from progressing to CKD.

Symptoms of IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy progress slowly over the years but the duration of disease in the patient is uncertain. Some patients may notice blood or protein in their urine while some develop ESRD or in some patients, complete remission is achieved. IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment is the best approach to stop kidney problems from progressing to ESRD.

The condition does not show any symptom in the initial stage, however, fluid retention will make you notice:

  • Pain in the abdomen
  • High blood pressure
  • Edema in your hands, feet, and legs
  • The presence of protein making your urine foamy or fizzy
  • Dark-colored urine caused by red blood cells in the urine

Causes of IgA nephropathy

When you have IgA nephropathy, immunoglobulin collects in the glomeruli and affects the filtering capability of the kidney. The factors responsible for the development of IgA nephropathy include:

  • Liver diseases: Cirrhosis is a late stage of scarring of  the liver’s tissues that impact the kidney as well. Other infections include chronic hepatitis B and C.
  • Celiac disease: A digestive condition caused by consuming gluten.
  • Genes: IgA nephropathy is more common in those with a family history of kidney disease that needs to be cured with the help of IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment.
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis: A skin infection caused by gluten reaction

Complications of IgA

In many cases, IgA nephropathy goes undiagnosed, and people are not even aware that they are having complications due to IgA inflammation. The following complications may apparently appear in the body:

  • High blood pressure: When the filtering units of kidney do not work properly, fluids get accumulated inside the bloodstream which can raise blood pressure. High blood pressure further damages the health of the kidney.
  • High cholesterol: If you have IgA nephropathy, then apparently your body may have high cholesterol in the blood increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Chronic kidney disease: Developing CKD is another complication of IgA nephropathy. In such cases, IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment is suggested to the patients.
  • Kidney failure: Due to fluid buildup, IgA nephropathy can even progress to chronic kidney failure or acute kidney failure.
  • Nephrotic syndrome: High protein levels in the blood, low protein levels in the blood, and high cholesterol and lipids cause nephrotic syndrome, a complication of IgA nephropathy.

Diagnosis of IgA nephropathy

With the help of routine tests, your doctor will let you determine if you have IgA nephropathy or not. Such tests include:

  • Urines tests
  • Blood tests
  • Kidney biopsy
  • Iothalamate Clearance test

IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment

IgA nephropathy is caused when immunoglobulin gets piled up in the kidneys. The inflammation causes the body to leak blood and protein through the urine. Over time, the kidney may lose function leading to kidney failure. That is why it is necessary to treat nephropathy as an immediate action. IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment is the best alternative to treat the underlying causes of IgA and eliminate the condition from the body. Herbs like Kaasni, Shirish, Punaranva, Gokshuradi Guggulu help to rejuvenate the damaged cells of the body so that the chances of kidney failure can be reduced.

Karma Ayurveda

Karma Ayurveda offers ayurvedic treatment and a dietary plan to cure the health of the diseased kidney. Until now, more than 35000 patients have been saved with the therapeutical effects of Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda believes that Ayurveda is the best treatment to cure any human ailment. Doctor Puneet Dhawan has worked on the herbs in the nature in developing ayurvedic treatment for a number of kidney diseases.

If you also want to improve your IgA nephropathy with IgA nephropathy remission ayurvedic treatment, then consult us!

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Vicky Kumar

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Vicky Kumar
Joined: March 23rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 46

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