Problems in Environmental Management System and ConservationPosted by Rika Hardiyani on April 13th, 2019 In fact, environment management system has encountered many obstacles. Centralization of environmental management often collides with traditional management by indigenous peoples through their local wisdom. Centralized environment management system and conservationSince capital-intensive private sector and state-owned enterprises were given the main opportunity in forest utilization, customary law communities were disadvantaged in forest use because customary forests were considered national property. Forms of the forest utilization :
Basically, the utilization of the forest has a good purpose, especially in the context of environmental preservation. But in its implementation sometimes there are many irregularities, which are carried out by people who want to take advantage of the forest on a large scale. Read more : Protection of Forest Damage through Local Wisdom vs. Government As a result, there has been excessive forest exploitation, illegal logging, and conflicts with indigenous peoples over ownership and nationalization of forest benefits within indigenous territories. Causes of environmental damageEnvironmental damage can occurs for several causes:
Modern society is relatively capable of adapting to changes in the natural environment. The use of technology was originally a positive response to the natural environment, which was used to help and facilitate human use of nature. In a way, the positive response turns into a negative response. Ease of utilizing nature with technology actually bring natural human greed to exploit the broadest indefinitely. Human and environmentalTraditional communities are less able to adapt to changes in the natural environment, so they always continue to respond in the form of simple use of nature. The response is intended to preserve the environment to be maintained or the nature in which they live is maintained to meet the basic needs of their lives. This has implications for their behavior which is very protective of nature. Just as one indigenous peoples, namely the Suku Anak Dalam in Jambi Province. Until now, they continue to survive the pressures of life that emerged from round their traditional territories. Transmigration community and immigrants with post-traditional cultures enter in large enough quantities in the past 20 years in Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (TNBD), as a living area of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD). This has an impact on livelihoods, social life and other aspects of life of the SAD community. For example, logging, both officially and illegally, and clearing land for rubber and oil palm plantations is an activity that is actually not common in the lives of SAD. However, SAD is itself a tribe belonging to the defensive and is not accustomed to war or struggle to maintain their customary rights. The impact of globalization on the lives and livelihoods of the SAD in Jambi province is prodigious. They have no choice but to accept the change while feeling the negative impact. These impacts include:
Some of the SAD community groups tried to live in hamlets through government settlement projects and some chose to survive in the remaining corporation forests. As a result of the rapid development today, the traditional life of the SAD community in Jambi Province has undergone many changes. Finally, they had no choice but to accept the reality of life there. Like it? Share it! |