Star Wars Battlefront II is launching on PS4, PC, and Xbox One on November 17.In a panel at Star Wars Celebration, representatives of teams working away at Battlefront II--EA, Motive Studios, DICE, and Lucasfilm--revealed the production date alongside the full trailer.Unlike 2015's Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefront II will feature "all eras" on the SWTOR Credits canon instead of drawing only through the original trilogy.Battlefront II also has a canon single-player campaign set as soon as the events of Return with the Jedi. It follows an Imperial commander named Iden Versio who swears to avenge the Emperor and quell the Rebellion, though it includes other perspectives. It also introduces a fresh planet, Iden's homeworld. Battlefront II's multiplayer features trooper classes also as an upgrade system for troopers and heroes, that allows for greater customization. Troopers will correspond on the era and site you're battling in, this means Clone SWTOR Credits EU Wars-era troops won't display on Hoth. However, this indicates heroes will probably be available no matter what era.Preordering the Battlefront II will provide you with extra content, including Last Jedi-themed costumes for Rey and Kylo Ren. See the full listing of preorder bonuses, including what comes with all the deluxe edition. The first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has also been revealed during Celebration in 2010; look into our Star Wars trailer breakdown.
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smrtsmith Joined: June 23rd, 2018 Articles Posted: 414