Posted by ojoa4 SH on April 15th, 2019


María Kindelán, Nutritionist & Naturopath and Specialist in Energy Nutrition and Digestive Health of Pleneat , says that "within a framework of healthy eating, canned products should only be an occasional option , given that they are devitalized foods with a high content of histamines. Canned tuna is a more or less healthy option depending on the origin of the fish and its method of conservation.

Dr. Jose Manuel Gómez Villar recommends eating it cooked or steamed because "we do not add oil or fat to tuna to cook it, so we will not contribute calories or change the fats of sins." When steaming or tuna steaming or Any other fish is cooked at lower temperatures than other methods, helping to conserve nutrients and is thought to decrease the formation of harmful chemicals such as AAHs and PAHs. "Fresh blue fish, chicken breast, palm hearts, pates of legumes, hemp seeds ... would be the bets of Maria Kindelan. For his part, Dr. Gómez Villar recommends foods rich in proteins such as: cod, soy, lentils, seitan and peas .

 Verónica Velasco speak to us about foods with practically the same characteristics as " the Turbot, Sardine, Anchovy, Bonito , among others". And it continues "you can replace it with any other protein, whether of animal origin ( seafood, chicken, rabbit, egg, pork, meat ...) or vegetable in equivalent proportion ( legumes, cereals, seeds, seitan, tofu or soy in general . ..) ". 


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ojoa4 SH

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ojoa4 SH
Joined: April 15th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1