Than a complete to the wow classic gold

Posted by limmzhou on April 23rd, 2019

I want versions and the more recent images as an alternative. People are moving too far bitching about discretionary changes. For me personally I want more of feel of a WoW Classic remastered kind than a complete to the wow classic gold graphics vanilla feel. It should be an option rather than forced on everyone if people wish to play with old menus and the shitty graphics. And that is coming from someone who's played since launch.

Xp rates mobs etc should be same as vanilla. I would pay 500 bucks for a remastered traditional experience.I do not mind the standard of life changes. The most important reason I'm going to play Classic is for the traditional battle, the grindy exploration adventures, possibly the much overlooked world PvP, as well as the classic talent trees. The way I miss the gift trees.

I don't see a problem with trading bop at dungeons"the friends abuse mentioned will seldom occur, yes they can roll someones item but there isn't any dungeon finder bro, they ll be slandered as ninja looter, neighborhood rep!" , in buy wow classic gold raids it is going be master loot anyway so that it does not matter.Sharding at the beginning won't be that bad as long as they remove it low level foundation stabilize but I suppose this should be optional.I would hope everyone would need a remastered game. I mean, you actually wish to play a buggy, disheveled mess? Person, to each his own but I think that is sad. The few hardcore people aside,

I think WoW Classic is going to fail pretty hard within 6 weeks to a year, even when 80-90% of the playerbase realize they do not have time to dump months of their lives playing with an archaic, broken version of a game. Who has the time to slowly grind mobs and invest months leveling characters? The only way I'd think about playing it would be if classes were balanced and made viable. The day, However, nostalgia wins.

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