Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda: Is it really the permanent solution?

Posted by Vicky Kumar on April 25th, 2019


Kidneys are among the most vital human body organs. They excrete toxin and unwanted fluids from the body in order to balance the fluid level. When the kidneys lose their capability of performing its function properly, the situation is known as kidney diseases. There are numerous kinds of kidney diseases but some of the major diseases are Nephrotic Syndrome, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Acute Kidney disease, Chronic kidney disease, Proteinuria, etc. If all these diseases last longer or uncured, they lead to kidney failure. In that case, Allopathic treatment includes dialysis or organ transplant which are not only costly but also the temporary solution. Here, Kidney treatment in Ayurveda is the best permanent solution. And the best part is, it doesn’t have any side effect.      


Functions of Kidney 

Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the human body. They perform many important functions; flushing out the body wastes in order to balance water, minerals, electrolyte, and other fluids level in the body in order to keep it going. These are the bean-shaped organ and are very complex in structure.       

What are kidney diseases?  

Any kind of disease that affects the functionality of the kidneys are said to be kidney diseases. These days, in lack of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, we are higher at the risk of kidney diseases. When the kinds of diseases are not treated on time then they can turn into Chronic Kidney diseases causing progressive and serious damage to the kidney. It may develop until the death of the patient if not cured. Allopathic treatments are also there in order to get rid of kidney diseases but are not a permanent solution and are found expensive in nature. On the other hand, Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda holds the capacity to cure kidney diseases permanently.            

Types of Kidney diseases       

There are various kinds of kidney diseases but we are focusing on the major ones and describing them below:

  •     Nephrotic Syndrome       

Nephrotic Syndrome is basically a group of symptoms which indicate that your kidneys are not working the way they should. The symptoms include 

1)    Excess protein in your urine (proteinuria) 

2)    Low level of protein in your blood

3)    High level of cholesterol in your body

4)    Swelling in your ankles, feet or hands

  •     Polycystic Kidney Disease- It is a kind of kidney disease in which cysts form on the kidneys causing them to enlarge. It is a genetic and progressive disease that increases the cells of the kidneys and damages them completely.  
  •     Acute Kidney disease- In AKD, the kidneys get damage in a very short time frame, sometimes within a few hours or few days. It occurs when the level of waste products in the body arises drastically.  
  •     Chronic Kidney disease- It is a progressive situation in which the kidneys start damaging slowly. It has five stages; CKD1, CKD2, CKD3, CKD4 & CKD5. In the CKD1, often a mild is visible while in the CKD5 the kidneys get damage completely.       
  •     Proteinuria- It is a condition in which the kidneys lose their capacity of filtration and excrete extra protein than normal through urine. As a result, the body doesn’t get that required protein in order to keep it working properly.      

How to relieve them naturally?    

When it comes to serious kidney problems or you can say Chronic kidney disorders, they are cured with the help of highly expensive Allopathic treatments. Though they don’t offer a permanent solution. In comparison, Kidney treatment in Ayurveda is considered the best one as it works on the root causes of kidney diseases and helps in relieving them permanently. With the help of natural herbs, changes in lifestyle and diet, Ayurveda works wonder in any kind of Kidney disorders. It is not only the most ancient but also the most powerful medicinal system.   

How Karma Ayurveda is helpful?

With more than 35 years of know-how and experience in this vertical, Karma Ayurveda has been providing the best kidney treatment in Ayurveda. It encompasses the remedies not only minor kidney diseases but also the serious ones such as the last stage of Chronic kidney disease and kidney failures, etc. Karma Ayurveda is well-known for serving the patients who were only recommended dialysis or kidney transplant as their only treatment. Driven by Dr. Puneet Dhawan, it has treated over 35000 patients all across the world. It aims to cure all sorts of kidney problems (major or minor) with the help of Ayurvedic Medications, a well-balanced diet and a combination of yogic exercises.                 

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Vicky Kumar

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Vicky Kumar
Joined: March 23rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 46

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