Rawdah in Masjid e Nabvi is death and burial place of the Prophet ﷺPosted by Ady Grewal on May 2nd, 2019 He ﷺ advised his wives to stay at the dwelling of Ayesha (RA) which they readily acceded to. So, on Monday 12th of Rabi ul, Awal He ﷺ came out from with bandage that was tied around his head. Abu Bakar (RA) was leading the Salah and meanwhile moved backward but Prophet ﷺ motioned him to complete the prayer. So, the last advice of the Prophet ﷺ was greatly focused on not to leave the Salah and the best behaved with slaves and servants as well. And today the Muslims are following the Sunnah by visiting Rawdah through cheapest hajj packages London to recall the spirituality that what Prophet ﷺ said. As at the end prophet ﷺ said, “I am leaving two things for you behind me, so as long as you hold them tightly, you will never go astray. And those are the Holy Quran and my Sunnah (ways). The health condition of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ get down and eventually Prophet ﷺ passed away on the afternoon of Monday, 12th Rabi ul Awal, and 11 AH (633CE). Sahaba offered funeral prayers individually and there was no Imam (leader). Now, there was the time of burial of Prophet ﷺ and several Sahabah suggested different opinions such as some said near the pulpit and other said in Baqi. However, Abu Bakar (RA) came forward and said he heard the Prophet ﷺ saying a Prophet was never buried but at the place where he had met to death. Yet, a grave was dug under the bed in the room and Prophet ﷺ was buried. And after the death and burial of Prophet ﷺ in Rawdah, all Sahaba said prayed as the Prophet ﷺ said, “The one who visits me after my passing, has similarly visited during my life in the physical world. [Tabraani]. And someone who perform Hajj in Makkah and makes sure the ziarat of Masjid Nabvi ﷺ, so for him there is a reward of two accepted Hajj. [Daylami]. And when somebody delivers blessing on me near my Roza (grave), so in the meantime I hear and whoever calls for blessings on me in any place of the ground, his/her all need will be fulfilled not only in this world but hereafter, and the day of Qiyamah I shall be his/her witness as well as arbitrator. [Bayhaqi]. However, thousands of Muslims visit Roza e Rasool ﷺ from the United Kingdom after performing the Hajj or Umrah through Hajj Umrah agent UK to get spirituality. And after that, the bodies of Abu Bakar and Umar (RA) were also buried in Rawdah very near to Prophet ﷺ. The observing holes above are linked to the faces of the bodies of the graves. The keyhole on the left directly faces the honorable face of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The one hole in the middle is extended to the face of Abu Bakr (RA) and similarly the other on the right is aligned to the face of Umar (RA). Rawdah was also the dwell of Ayesha (RA) which was mostly the living place of Prophet ﷺ. Additionally, the other wives of Prophet ﷺ also resided in minor, humble sheds adjacent to Masjid Nabwi ﷺ. The size of each shed was about 5m x 4m with minor terrace and was built of unbaked pieces of mud with twigs of palm trees to shelter the roofs. Like it? Share it!More by this author |