Introducing your kids to the music world is among the greatest gifts you can give them, and a way to truly engage them is to take them to live performances like classical music concerts near you. Nevertheless, the thought of doing this often terrifies parents, so this article has gathered some before-the-concert tips and tricks for making live music an experience that will be enjoyable for all.
Before taking your kid to see any live classical performance, you should be offering opportunities to hear classical music at home.
Gradually, increase the length of the period of time that they spend listening to music, up to the length of the tome of the music you are planning to see with them.
Speak to your kid concerning the music you have been listening to.
Ask your kids what they liked, what they did not, what they actually think the music is about, and the instruments that they heard distinctly … in this way, you will get a true feel of what they actually like, and what they are more likely to sit through.
Before choosing any concert, you should hear the program for yourself. This is so you can check to see that it is something you feel that your children will enjoy – maybe you could even choose a concert that’s a bit shorter, or a classic concert Los Angeles that features many shorter pieces, so that you can leave early should there be any need to do so. This could happen because some kids feature attention spans that are short so it’s better to leave before they happen to be only sitting through the remainder of the performance.
Play the program you heard for your kid in the run-up to your attendance, and encourage him to draw pictures, as well as tell stories based on the pieces he heard – if he is enthusiastic, and just sits quietly while listening, reward him with an offer of taking him to see the actual performance.
Explain all that will occur on the D-day to your kid; such as buying and collecting your tickets, finding where your seats are, and sitting quietly while listening to the performers do their thing. You can also try and explain the interval to your child, as well as how one is supposed to talk then, and how one could have a drink together with a snack.
Buy tickets that will see you sitting on seats near the back of the concert hall, or at the end of an aisle should it be that your kid needs to use the bathroom – then you can actually sneak out to take him there without causing too much disruption.
These are the foremost before-the-concert tips and tricks you will ever get concerning taking your kids to any classical music concerts near me. After the concert, on your way or after you have arrived home, discuss the concert with your kid to know if he actually enjoyed it, and what parts of the show were his favorites that he actually loves. He will always want a repeat if he enjoyed himself.