You Can Boost Your Credit Score By Removing Hard InquiriesPosted by Jacab Roy on May 15th, 2019 Many a time, you try very hard to do every possible thing to ensure that a good credit score is maintained so that you can grab some dependable loan with low interest. Despite of your hard work, your credit scores and FICO numbers do not improve. Well, you need to know that the inquiries on your credit report are one of the many reasons for your low credit score. Even if you have been paying all your bills on time and maintained your finances well, more and more inquiries on your credit report will reduce your credit score. There are many reasons for inquiries on your credit report and these inquiries are responsible for pulling down your credit score. Thus, it is important to check your credit report from time to time and remove the hard inquiries as soon as possible. But, how do your remove the hard inquiries?
Hard inquiry Vs Soft Inquiry The first step you should know after receiving your credit report is which inquiry is needed to be removed and which can be kept as it is. The inquiries on your credit report can come from many individuals. In fact, when you call for your own credit report, this will also be taken as an inquiry. The main thing to remember while removing the inquiries from the credit report is the difference between soft inquiries and hard inquiries. The soft inquiries do not harm your credit report, but the hard inquiries do and yes, our target is always to remove the hard inquiries from the credit report. Some of the examples of hard inquiries are the collection of information from debt agencies, credit granters, who you have taken money from or who you wish to take some credit from. You need to ensure that your approval is attached to the report given because the same approval will help you while you try to remove the hard inquiry. Also, it is important to keep all the information of the creditor such as the phone number and addresses because these addresses will be used in the follow ups of inquiry removal. You can reach out to us if you are looking forward to remove hard inquiries from credit report. Jacab Roy is the author of this article. To Know more information about remove hard inquiries from credit report please visit the website. Like it? Share it!More by this author |