Common sleep disorders and their symptomsPosted by Sleep Rest on May 28th, 2019 Problems with sleep can be due to lifestyle and habits that can result to problems sleepiness for instance feeling sleepy at inappropriate times. There are number of factors that affect one's ability to get sufficient sleep. These include sleeping surroundings such as mattress and pillows, environmental noise and even temperature changes. Short term sleep problems can however be corrected by getting enough sleep at the right time. It can also be solved through sleeping on the right mattress and pillow. On the hand, chronic sleep problem can indicate a disorder that may require medical intervention. InsomniaThis is the most prevalent sleep disorder today. It is a disorder that is characterized by inability to fall asleep or waking up during the night and having difficult going back to sleep. Studies have shown that primary insomnia is more common in women than men and increases with age. In regards to short term insomnia, it can be caused by physical discomfort such as back pain or neck pain. It can be caused by extreme temperatures or even environmental noise. On the other hand, secondary insomnia can result from mental or physical disorder. However, the treatment of primary and secondary insomnia differs due to their difference in causes. To begin with primary insomnia can be solved by ensuring that you dont experience physical discomfort such as back pain or neck pain. For back pain make sure you sleep on the right mattress while neck pain make an effort of using the right pillow.Behavioral aspect can also play role in treatment o insomnia. This includes following a specific sleeping routine, observing the kind of food you take before going to bed and even avoiding or reducing alcohol intake. Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)This is considered as one of the life threatening sleep disorder which involves disruption of breathing during sleep. Research shows that an estimated 12 million Americans have OSA. The sleeping disorder is associated with bony or soft tissue that limits airway dimensions that is made worse in the presence of excess fatty tissue. A sleeper suffering from this sleep disorder will experience repetitive episodes of no effective breath,very shallow breaths or adequate breaths but with a high airway resistance that occur between 20 to 30 times per hour. As a result, these episodes cause temporary drop in blood oxygen and increased level of carbon dioxide leading to frequent partial arousal from sleep. Normally, the limitation in upper airway dimension is what is associated with chronic loud snoring. On the other hand, the frequent arousals result in ineffective sleep accounts for the chronic sleep deprivation. Other effects of OSA include morning headaches, high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart rhythm disorders, strokes and decreased life expectancy. This sleep disorder can even occur in children both boys and girls whereby it is associated with enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Due to the factors that contributes to OSA, it can have genetic influence. However, the treatment of OSA among the adults involves behavioral therapy, use of mechanical devices and even surgery to increase the size of the airway. Restless legs syndrome(RLS)This is a sleep disorder which is associated with neurologic movement. Individuals with RLS have unpleasant leg sensatio and an almost irresistable urge to move the legs. The symptoms of RLS are worse during inactivity and can interfere with with sleep cycle. Sleepers with RLS in most cases experience creeping, crawling, pulling or even tingling sensations in the legs. It even affects sitting for long periods and its worse in the evening and severe in the morning. The periodic limb movement disorder can be detected through monitoring patients during sleep. Other people with mild cases of RLS can also be treated through exercises, leg massages, eliminating alcohol and caffeine from their diet. Other people can require pharmacological treatment which however can take some time to determine the right medication. In conclusion, if you suspect that you may have sleep disorder, it is important to discuss your symptoms with your primary care doctor. He/she may perform a physical exam to help you identify the difficulties you are having with sleep.It is is important to keep a sleep diary as a way of monitoring your sleep patterns. Like it? Share it! |