A Few Thoughts on Christian Tracts – Ways to Remember Tracts for Evangelism
Posted by GO Evangelism Ministry, Inc. on May 28th, 2019
Gospel Christian tracts are liked by everyone because there’s no alternative to this efficient evangelism tool. Many of us use them, while others avoid them without knowing the hidden message and power of Christian tracts.
I read one of the gospel Christian tracts where Spurgeon said more had been won to Christ with gospel Christian tracts than through any other tool. From John Wesley, who with Whitefield and others printed all sorts of evangelistic literature, to online evangelistic sites utilized today, gospel Christian tracts have been used by many for good.

We, at Go Evangelism Ministry Inc, have certainly led more people to faith in Christ with tracts than any other approach outside preaching the gospel from a pulpit. Now people are not a fan of tract bombs where they go into an area and engage very little with actual people, choosing to leave literature in the place of investment into lives. We tell everyone to give Christian tracts to actual people not to windshields of cars!

Let’s face it; there are also some really lousy Christian tracts out there. Some of which are:
• Never use Christian tracts you haven’t read as some of them are weak theologically
• Brevity is desirable. There’s a difference between a tract and a book
• Use Christian tracts that are attractive
• Be enthusiastic about the contents
• Be sure the Christian tract sets forth the facts of the gospel
• The Christian tract should explain the process by which a person becomes a Christian
Christian tracts are a great tool when you genuinely don’t have much time to share your faith like at a busy restaurant when you seek to talk to the server and while you’re leaving a great tip. They should never be the only way we share Christ, but they’re effective in certain settings and are especially useful in teaching others how to share Christ.
Are Christian Tracts an Effective Evangelism Tool? If Yes Why?
When some people evangelize, they do so with gospel Christian tracts. Christian tracts, for those that don’t know, are short gospel presentations in a little booklet format. They usually have some sort of eye-popping cover or are centered on a particular theme.
We’ve probably all heard stories of well-meaning Christians leaving tracts as important tips at restaurants, or giving children Christian tracts instead of candy during Halloween. And if you’ve spent any time in a major city, you’ve probably seen a Christian tract or two left in a bathroom. Most of these Christian tract distribution methods are ineffective; however, a Christian tract in the hands of someone who can explain what it means seems like it has potential power to bring changes.
What about you? Do you think that Christian tracts are an effective evangelism tool now? Share your thoughts on the comment section below! 15