Medical Marijuana Strains for Sale

Posted by Dopeganja on May 30th, 2019

Marijuana or cannabis is a soft drug which has been used by humans since thousands of years. It is endemic to south and central Asia and evidences of its use by Aryans, Assyrians, and Hindus of Asia are aplenty. The UN estimates that around 4% of world population use cannabis annually and about 23 million of this smoke or use cannabis daily. In fact this is probably the most used illicit drug in the world.

Marijuana is produced from a plant called cannabis sativa or cannabis indicia. This plant also goes by the name Indian hemp. Marijuana is the name given to those parts of this plant which is smoked. The inflorescence of the cannabis plant is usually smoked as it has the highest concentration of intoxicants. The resin which is produced from the flowers of this plant is called hashish or simply hash.  Buy Marijuana Strains Online

The main chemical agent in marijuana is a compound called tetra hydro cannabin. However marijuana smoke contains over 400 different chemical including 66 other related cannabinoids.

The cannabinoids act on the central nervous system through two receptors named CB1 and CB2. These receptors are located throughout the central nervous system and their action activates the mediocorticolimbic pathways in the brain which is the drug reward centre. The major effects of cannabis include euphoria, disinhibition, altered sensory perceptions, increased heart rate, and dilatation of pupils, red eyes, dry mouth, and anxiety. The minimum required dose for effects to begin is 10 micrograms per kg body weight.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is legal in several states and can provide benefits for people with a wide variety of medical issues. A doctor can prescribe cannabis (the medical name for marijuana) for different conditions. Most commonly, cannabis is prescribed for the relief of extreme pain. It can also increase appetite in chemotherapy patients who struggle with nausea. Overall, medical marijuana has a positive effect on society, because it gives doctors another tool for helping patients. Cannabis is a natural medicine that can help alleviate the symptoms of several different medical problems. It can treat conditions that occur often and affect many people, as well as the symptoms associated with serious, life threatening illnesses. Medical Marijuana Strains for Sale

One of the general issues that medical cannabis can help with is chronic pain, especially back or neck pain. Often, long term conditions of constant pain, such as those associated with the neck or back, are something that a person just has to deal with. Opioid painkillers are one option, but they are highly addictive, and addiction to painkillers can be a debilitating condition that affects people's relationships, family life, and career. The alternative to this is medical marijuana, which does not pose the risk of addiction that traditional painkillers do. Similarly, anti-inflammatory drugs also pose problems with long term use, whereas cannabis does not carry the same risks. Cannabis actually works nearly instantly when smoked. Its pain relieving properties can be felt within minutes.

Gastritis is one condition that can be treated via medical marijuana. Cannabis is able to regulate pain, stimulate appetite, and relax one's muscles, especially in the gastrointestinal area. For those reasons, cannabis can be used to reduce the painful symptoms of gastritis. The added benefit is the quick acting nature of cannabis when smoked. During a gastritis flare up, a person can combat the attack by smoking medical cannabis. Buy Legal Marijuana online

HIV/AIDS patients are commonly prescribed cannabis in states that allow its medical use. The symptoms associated with HIV and AIDS, and the medications prescribed for them, can cause pain and loss of appetite. Studies show that cannabis can help AIDS patients to regain their appetites, regain lost weight, and to improve their overall outlook on life. Depression is one of the many issues that AIDS patients face, and cannabis use has also shown to be effective in treating depression associated with HIV/AIDS.

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