5 Realistic Things To Think About When You're Planning A Move To Portugal

Posted by Anna on June 14th, 2019

Read about 5 things that you should consider when you are thinking about moving to Portugal, to help you further your research when it comes to this exciting life change.

When you are thinking about doing an international move, such as moving to Portugal, it is important not to just get carried away with the potential positives of such a move. It is easy to think about the beaches, the weather and the culture and imagine everyday being like a holiday, but that approach might just set you up for a fall.

There are certainly some incredible aspects of moving to Portugal, but on balance, understanding parts of the move that may be more challenging is important, so that you're prepared for both the good and the bad.

To help you with your research, here are 5 realistic things to consider when you're thinking of moving to Portugal:

  1. How Much Does It Cost To Live In Portugal?

If you are seeking work in Portugal then you may be shocked to know that although there has been a drop in unemployment rates in the country, there is still around 6.4% of the country that are without work. This could affect your ability to pay for your day to day living, drastically if you don't have many savings to take. Even with enough savings to last, the cost of living is still higher than most people imagine and you have to take into account extra costs that you wouldn't have in the UK, like the cost of healthcare and medicine.

2. Location Is Everything

There is a location for everyone in Portugal, but you do need to make sure you pick the right area for your needs, otherwise you could end up miserable and stuck with a purchase in the wrong part of the country. Think about exactly what you're looking for when it comes to lifestyle, convenience, education, work, community and anything else important to you.


3. The Future Is Important

If you are retiring to Portugal it is so important think about your potential future needs. That hill from town to your house might seem fine now, but what about when you have ill health or you're less mobile? A secluded property far away from town is fine when you can get out and about in the car, but what about if and when you can't? Retirees also need to think about any language barriers, which, again, might seem like they won't be a problem initially but if you need translation services as you get older and require more medical interventions of legal documents that can become difficult.

4. Do You Mind Being Far Away From Your Family?

Portugal is only around 4 hours on the plane, but, for your family, it may not be something they can do regularly. Realistically, can you face mainly catching up with your loved ones through Skype? Do you mind being away from grandchildren? If you aren't sure, perhaps a trial 6 months trip could be a good idea, which you could combine with researching different parts of the country for a potential permanent move.

5. Will You Have Enough To Do?

It is so important to think about whether or not you will have enough to do in Portugal. It sounds silly but, it can be easy to think of your holidays there and neglect to think that long-term, most of us need more. Socially, you may want to be around people regularly, you might want hobbies, charity projects or a bigger sense of purpose.

Moving to Portugal could be amazing, but it is likely to be much more of a realistic dream if you face the realistic questions that come with international relocation. Do think carefully about the move, and what it could involve for the best chance of a successful relocation to beautiful Portugal.

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