5 Skincare Myths Girls Shouldn’t Believe

Posted by LUV UR SKIN on June 18th, 2019

When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of old wives’ tales and even misinformation about how to take care of your face and what causes acne. It can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction. So, let’s take a look at five common skincare myths, why they don’t hold up, and what you can do to take great care of your skin.

Myth #1: Breakouts Are Caused by Not Washing Your Face Enough

Clogged pores and bacteria cause pimples, and even with a thorough cleansing routine, you can still get acne from clogged pores and bacteria under the skin. Forgetting to wash your face a time or two isn’t going to cause a breakout. Though you should definitely cleanse your face twice a day with a special face wash for kids, tweens, and teens. That said, if you get busy and forget to cleanse here and there, don’t stress it. Over-washing your face is not good for it because it strips your skin of its natural oils. When your skin dries out too much, it over compensates by producing more oil, which can clog pores and make acne worse.

Myth #2: Junk Food Causes Acne

It’s not exactly true. If you eat a piece of pizza, oil isn’t going to ooze out of your pores and cause a breakout. However, if you do have acne-prone skin, you might notice a flare up after eating foods that are high in refined carbs and sugars. That’s because your body responds by producing more insulin, which increases the production of oils on your skin. Remember, clogged pores and bacteria cause acne. Whether there is a direct link between breakouts and eating high-fat, greasy foods like fries and doughnuts is still a highly-studied topic that’s up for debate. But, as with many things in life, moderation is key, so be sure to fuel yourself well with healthy foods.

Myth #3: You Don’t Need to Moisturize Your Face

The tendency to avoid moisturizer because you’re worried it will clog your pores is an understandable concern. However, your skin needs to be hydrated properly, or it will produce oil in response to you letting it dry out too much. Choose a lightweight, natural moisturizer for face and use it after washing your face morning and night. Seek out a formula that’s made for tweens and teens with all skin types and that won’t clog pores.

Myth #4: Makeup Is Bad for Your Face

Some makeup is actually good for your skin, depending on your skin type, what you are putting on your face, and the quality of the brand. Even more important is how diligent you are in removing your makeup before going to bed. If you wear makeup, do your research and pay attention to your skin to watch how it reacts to different brands. Be sure to thoroughly remove it at the end of the day.

Myth #5: Acne Is Only a Teen, Tween Problem

Nope! Adolescents are more prone to acne than adults, but you may be surprised to know that adult acne is still fairly common in the 20s, 30s, and beyond. For healthy, glowing skin, develop and follow a skincare routine using quality products to cleanse and moisturize your face.

About Luv Ur Skin

All girls deserve real, natural ingredients in their products, which is why Luv Ur Skin created a high-quality skincare line especially for them. Luv Ur Skin is an Australian skincare company whose products—including a face wash for kids, tweens, and teens—are made specifically for young faces. They’re developed with a team of scientists using select botanical ingredients and key plant extracts to help girls keep their skin clear, clean, and healthy with a gentle and effective skincare routine. Isabella (Izzi) Dymalovski is the founder and CEO of Luv Ur Skin. She was 8 years old when she started the company. At 13 years old, she was the youngest ever teen entrepreneur on Australia’s Shark Tank and the youngest brand owner to have her range of products on the shelves of Priceline Pharmacies in Australia. In 2017, Luv Ur Skin launched in the U.S.

Learn more about Luv Ur Skin’s products for girls at Luvurskin.com

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