Top 5 Infertility Causes in Women and their Treatments

Posted by Dr. Pranay Shah on June 18th, 2019

The Eggs travels through the fallopian tube. If it is fertilized, then it will anchor in the womb lining, and pregnancy will begin. The probability of pregnancy is very high if the couple engages in sexual intercourse during the ovulation period.

IVF treatment in India

A woman is said to have infertility problem if she is not able to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Many couples are struggling with infertility problems, and the problem can either be caused by the Man or the Woman or both.  This is the time you need to go to the Best IVF Center for the Infertility Treatment.

Studies show that about 30% of infertility problem is caused by the Man, 30% by the Woman, & 30% by both while 10% of infertility problems are unexplained.

In women, infertility can be attributed to old age. Other causes of impotence include lifestyle, weight, and other health-related issues. Here, we are listing and explaining some health-related causes of infertility in women and their treatment.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):

Polycystic means "a multiplicity of cysts." It is a situation whereby many follicles are partially formed in the ovaries. Each of these follicles is likely to contain unproductive Eggs which cannot be fertilized. PCOS is a very complex hormonal problem. The cause of this anomaly is ambiguous, and Women who suffer from this situation have a high level of male hormones or high level of Insulin. 

PCOS is genetic, and it runs in the family, but in some cases, it is caused by overweight.

Obvious symptoms of PCOS include excessive facial and body hair, irregular menstruation, acne, absence of menstruation (Innorrhea - a situation where some women may not menstruate for months ), obesity, and missing or less frequent ovulation.

Diagnosis of PCOS can be made quickly by checking the medical history of the patient, by carrying out a blood test and by ultrasound.

Patients are usually advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle, reduce their weight and undertake some hormone and targeted medications therapy.

Hormonal Factors

Imbalance in hormones is another cause of infertility. It is not gynecological. For instance, women with imbalanced amount of prolactin, thyroid or adrenal hormones are likely to suffer from infertility problems. Ovulation is usually affected by abnormalities in hormonal production. This can be diagnosed by carrying out a blood test, and the problem can be treated by administering a targeted hormonal therapy.


Endometriosis is an abnormality which can be found in both fertile and infertile women. It is observed that the majority of women with Endometriosis are sterile. In a normal situation, the endometrial cells are supposed to grow in the uterus only, but it can abnormally grow in other parts of the body such as the fallopian tube. They block the smooth flow of Eggs, and this brings about painful menstruation especially in the pelvic region. The cause of growth cannot be ascertained.

Symptoms of Endometriosis include painful intercourse, painful urination, infertility, but sometimes symptoms do not even show. Endometriosis can be treated through surgery and medications.

Infections & Growths in the Reproductive System

Infertility can also be caused by untreated bacteria and diseases such as staphylococcus, syphilis, chlamydia, and urinary tract infection (UTI). Untreated infections can cause the fallopian tube to scar, and this affects the fertilization of eggs.

Growths of fibroids, ovarian cysts, and polyps also increase infertility rate. Fibroids are non-malignant in nature, and they usually grow in the uterus. They can be treated by medications and surgical operations.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

The Fallopian tube plays a very crucial role in reproduction because it is the site where fertilization takes place. The Egg travels through the fallopian tube, and the sperm is also guided through the same route. Scarring or blockage of the fallopian tube can be caused by untreated infections, Endometriosis, or surgery. Women with blocked fallopian tubes cannot get pregnant. The symptoms are very minor such as painful menstruation and pelvic pains. The blocked fallopian tube can cause ectopic pregnancy where the Egg anchors and grows in the fallopian tube instead of the womb. It can be diagnosed during scanning and can be treated surgically.

Unhealthy Body Weight:

An extremely high or low Body mass index can harm the fertility rate. Overweight women are known to suffer from infertility problems, and they are usually faced with issues of miscarriage. Obese conditions and underweight can affect the pituitary glands, and this causes problems during ovulation and fertilization. This problem is generally solved by a change in lifestyle and diet. A reversal can be attained by achieving a balanced Body mass index.

Other Unknown Causes

Research in reproductive medicine indicates that some couples are still suffering from infertility even after series of tests suggests that they are both fertile. In some cases, the abnormalities are not high enough to cause infertility. These types of conditions are usually unexplained and can be treated depending on the age of the Woman.

What Will Be The Next Step?

Knowing you have any of this condition can be depressing for couples, who really want to have children, but there is still hope with advanced medical interventions, couples can still be able to smile at their own baby. Here are some options:

Meet Fertility Specialists:

It is advisable for couples to meet the Best IVF Doctor who is specialized infertility will help you and solve your infertility issues and fulfill your parental Dream. Fertility drugs or artificial insemination can be administered if the Woman is less than 35-years of age. In the case where the Woman is over 35 years of age, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be carried out.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

 In Vitro Fertilization is one of the advanced reproductive technologies (ART). In the IVF procedure, the Eggs are collected and mixed with sperm cells from the Man for fertilization. Through the cervix, the embryo is then inserted into the uterus.


In conclusion, getting pregnant, with so many pregnant women around, might not be as easy as it seems. About 30% of infertility cases are caused by women. Some of the infertility problems include fallopian tube blockage, overweight or underweight, untreated infections, growth of Fibroids & Cysts, irregular ovulation, painful menstruation, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and Endometriosis.

Infertility in women can be treated by medication, surgical operations, hormone therapy, artificial insemination, and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

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Dr. Pranay Shah

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Dr. Pranay Shah
Joined: June 18th, 2019
Articles Posted: 2

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