Colorful wedding dresses can be classic | Dressbycout

Posted by Darvinty on June 21st, 2019

When we think of a wedding dress, isn’t it a long flowing white gown that pops into mind?

White wedding dresses have been popular for more than a century now, that it is impossible to imagine a bride in anything but white. While the length, style and design of the gown may vary, white is invariably the first color choice in wedding dresses.

But, what if you are a rebel bride who doesn’t care for fashion rules? Or what if you feel that it would be nice to surprise everyone by not wearing white to your wedding? Or it could simply be that you want to dress for your big day in your favorite color, which isn’t white?

We say, go ahead! You will certainly not be the first bride to sport a colored wedding gown. Do it right, and you can even be the prettiest bride your guests have set eyes upon. Here is why we love colored wedding dresses, and why you should try it too.

You can wear a color that matches your personality

We identify with certain colors because they are a reflection of our personality. Whether your passionate nature is defined by fiery red or your level-headed approach to life is characterized by cool blue, you can show off your true persona by choosing a colored mermaid wedding dresses. While white is beautiful and has an endearing charm to it, it may not be a true expression of who you are. So, be bold and try out a colored wedding dress. Who knows, you may love it more than you expected.

Make your wedding more memorable

Just when everyone was expecting you to walk down the aisle in a pretty white wedding gown, you appear in a different color. Watch your wedding guests look amazed already. If there is one way to make sure your wedding is remembered, it is by choosing a unique wedding dress. It will be anything but common.

Colorful wedding dresses can be classic

You do not have to compromise on missing details on your wedding dress, just because you choose a colored one. There are many designer collections that focus on colorful wedding dresses, and you can find one in the silhouette that you desire without much ado. Just like with a regular wedding dress, you can also customize your colored wedding dress to meet your expectations.

This unconventional choice tells the world who you are

While many women try to stand out from the crowd, it isn’t unusual to find them going by tradition where their weddings are concerned. A bride who is confident of herself and is bold enough to proclaim that she is different, will be comfortable in a colorful wedding dress. If you are certain of yourself, and love a colored dress, don’t hesitate to choose it because it isn’t white. Go ahead and add a dose of drama to your wedding.

So, do you think a colorful wedding dress is for you, or do you dread the very idea?

Whether you want a bold and colorful wedding dress, or prefer a traditional white one, find your choice at Best for Bride.

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