Facts About Snoring

Posted by Terrel Walkins on June 22nd, 2019

-Over 90,000,000 people in America snore, and only 75% of all adults don't snore.

-Being overweight or obese are the biggest risk for getting sleep apnea. Only 30% of all American adults are considered to not be overweight.

-Less than 60% of sleep apnea sufferers will die of unpreventable causes

-Only half of all sleep apnea victims realize that they even have a snoring problem before it's too late.

How Typical Snoring and Sleep Apnea Manifests

-Failure to sleep a solid 5 or 6 hours straight, waking up often throughout the night

-Sudden gasps of air while sleeping, between long periods of not breathing

-Exhaustion and low energy throughout the day with inability to concentrate

-Reduced short and long-term memory

Why Somnoplasty is Not Always the Best Choice

-Sleep apnea surgery does not work for 70 - 75% of all people that get it

-A person's sleep apnea often returns in full force after only 6 months

-Complications from sleep apnea surgery often mean life-long troubles with eating meals, breathing, or swallowing.

Negatives of CPAP

-CPAP requires a life-long and nightly commitment

-Failing to use your CPAP even once can subject you to potential deadly consequences

-CPAP can make users feel uncomfortable, turning bedtime into pure torture

-CPAP can cause claustrophobia, red marks and rashes, as well as fall off during the night or cause regular sleep positions to be unattainable

Asonor/ZZ Spray Review

-nothing more than glorified salt water you spray into your throat and nose passages

-extended use can cause severe irritation and even diminish your body's organs

-tested on greyhound dogs, unethical and immoral

How to Stop Snoring Naturally

-Stop sleeping on your back. Try sleeping on your side.

-Make efforts to increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts

-Try deep breathing exercises throughout the day like meditation

-Try an affordable FDA cleared stop snoring mouthpiece like the ones they offere on this site: http://copeministries.org/

The Last Word on Snoring

If you have a snoring problem, then don't become one of the statistics. Do yourself a favor and don't just jump into treatments like OTC stop snoring sprays, a somnoplasty medical procedure, or the continuous positive airway pressure device without giving it some solid thought. Always start with the solution with the least amount of negative side effects. Take care and good luck

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Terrel Walkins

About the Author

Terrel Walkins
Joined: June 3rd, 2018
Articles Posted: 49

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