Three Things AI Changed About Recruitment Automation Tools

Posted by Shaun on June 28th, 2019

Recruitment automation tools have been in used for more than two decades now. Online recruitment software like an applicant tracking system or recruitment CRM is the most commonly used recruitment automation software. Although these recruitment automation tools have gone under constant changes, the big changes started happening with the use of AI in recruitment.

Dice recruitment automation report of 2018 reveals that 77% of recruiters believe that they need to leverage AI for recruitment automation.

Below are three major shifts that started happening with the use of AI for recruitment.

AI For Resume Screening

Most of the existing resume screening software in the market use keyword-based methods for resume screening. Depending heavily on keywords results in false positives in resume screening. For example, if you are looking for a SQL developer, you may end up finding many resumes of Java developers. Because Java developers often write database-related skills in their resumes. You would experience similar things when looking for financial analyst vs accountants. This could also happen because of overlapping skills between the two job functions.

Such noise can be reduced by using AI technologies like NLP, machine learning for resume screening. Using AI for resume screening can work as a domain expert. It can screen resumes based on the context and find if the resume is a good fit.

AI resume screening saves a huge amount of time for recruiters. It helps them find the best candidates from the pile of resumes in a matter of a few seconds.

Another advantage of AI based resume screening is, it helps you find the best candidates from your existing database. Recruiters generally don't find any motivation when it comes to searching their own database. Because search feature in recruitment automation tools may help you search for candidates based on keywords. But, the bigger questions like if these candidates are actually suitable for the job or if they are actively looking for a job stops recruiters from looking out for existing candidates. Using AI for CV screening you can discover candidates in your own database.

Recruitment Chatbot For Candidate Prescreening

One of the most trending recruitment automation tools is recruitment chatbot. Using chatbots for recruitment help recruiters in gathering information about the candidates such as their resumes, their job-related preferences, and information such as candidates' relevant skills.

Recruitment chatbot help in improving candidates experience. For example, if a candidate has any questions related to a job opening or about the company, a chatbot can answer that immediately.

Recruitment chatbot tries to mimic human conversational capabilities using NLP and NLU. Here the attempt is to answer most job or company related questions just like an HR or a recruiter would answer.

It is still a work in progress. Most people may not like a dead bot who may act as a dead robot. But at the same time, there is an opinion that says bot should not be as human. They should do the basic and obvious conversations and leave the humor to humans.

Personalized Communication

Cold emails are dead. In order to catch the attention of candidates, you must send emails or messages that are more personalized. Your recruitment automation software may help you send emails in bulk, but, does it help you to make it more personalized?

How does the use of AI help you personalize your communication? AI recruitment tools can help you find more information about the candidate. Like the social presence of the candidate. For example, how does the Facebook, Instagram account of the candidate look like? If the candidate is from the tech industry then it could try to find information about candidates on platforms like GitHub, StackOverflow.

The idea here is to find more about the candidate so that when you compose a message for contacting candidates, you make it personal. For example, if you find a profile of a candidate who seems to like traveling, and is from Mumbai. And if the job you are proposing is in Bangalore, then you may start your email by comparing two cities culture highlighting the best of both worlds. AI recruitment automation tools can automate such tasks.

Recruitment automation tools are making changes to bring in more intelligent automation. These tools are either making changes to introduce AI in recruitment or they are integrating with the latest AI recruitment software to leverage AI for recruitment.

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Joined: June 25th, 2019
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