A Detailed Note On Ultra-SoundPosted by Andrew Philips on July 2nd, 2019 Gone are the days when it was nearly impossible to examine and understand the inside of the human body. However, with immense advancement in technology and medical science, it has now become possible to examine the human body internally. One of the latest technologies which is commonly used is ultra-sound. In common language it is also known as Sonography. In this process, sound waves of high frequency are used to examine the body. With the help of ultra-sound, the doctors are able to see-through the internal organs of the human body, for example; stomach, tissues, kidney, etc. Why an ultra-sound is performed? This process of examining the body is done for several reasons. The doctors can do ultra-sound to check the body for any health problem, to understand if the treatment which is being given to the patient is affecting the body or not or in the case of pregnancy. In most of the cases, people believe that ultra-sound is mostly associated in the case of pregnancy. It is only possible with the help of ultra-sound that an expecting mother can have the first glance to her baby. In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, if a person is facing problem, pain or swelling in the below-listed body parts-
How to prepare for an ultra-sound? If you are a person who is having an ultra-sound for the first time in your life ever, then there must be several thoughts crossing your mind. The first and the foremost thing, one has to do is reach the clinic at least 30 minutes earlier. Once you will be done with all the form-filling and formalities, you would be asked t drink enough water, that you bladder is filled with water. After this you will be called inside the clinic, you will be asked to lie down and the doctor will apply a gel on your affected body area and then run the ultra-sound machine over it to carefully examine your concerned body part. Once the testing is completes, the doctor will hand over a wipe to you to wipe off the gel and you will be soon intimidated with the reports within 24 hours or more. Once, you have finally received your report you should visit the doctor and show him the report and it can only be studied by the professionals. Things you should consider before taking an ultra-sound There are many factors which one should keep in mind before taking the ultra-sound. The first and the foremost thing is you should always get a medical prescription from the doctor, recommending ultra sound. One should also compare the test charges as it can vary from one place to other. Last but not the least, you should also take care of the fact that the doctor who will be performing test for you is highly qualified for the same or not. If you are a person who lives in Chennai, then you can find many centers that offer reasonable ultra-sound scans in Chennai. The best ultra-sound scan in Chennai is one which is very affordable for everyone. Like it? Share it!More by this author |