Mark Roemer Explores How to Find Silence in a Noisy World

Posted by elain martell on July 16th, 2019


With the advancement in modern technology and an increase in the yearly population, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find silence in this noisy world. All this noise and distraction can really mess with your mind. When I faced a similar problem, my friend Mark Roemer helped me to be functional once again. In this article, he will share the same tips that he shared with me.

All of us at some point in our lives may long for some peace and solitude. Although we all are social beings, sometimes, it is beneficial for us to be alone and focus only on ourselves. However, it is not easy to do so. 

Tips & Tricks

Here are some ways you can find silences in this noisy world - 

1. Meditate - In order to find silence, you first must silence your own mind. Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you to experience inner peace even in a crowded environment. You cannot control your external environment but if you can control your reaction to it or how you feel about it, you can find silence within yourself. 

Practice gratitude every day for all the good things you possess or have experienced in your life. This will remind you how beautiful the world around you is, even with all its distractions and noises. The distractions and noise will still be present, but it won’t be able to bother you anymore.

2. Focus on a hobby you love - When you do an activity that you love, you may notice that you have forgotten about all outside distractions. Your focus at that moment will only encompass that particular activity. Thus, if you often feel distracted by the noise of your environment, try doing something you love. 

It can be anything from listening to your favorite music, dancing, reading books, watching movies, etc. As long as you do an activity that you love doing, you will find yourself in your own world, free of the distractions of the outside world.

3. Set some routine activities - We tend to notice the distractions or noises present in the environment when we have nothing to do. Thus, one of the best ways to find silence in this noisy world is to keep yourself busy at every moment. You don’t have to do an activity for the sake of it or do anything that can exhaust you completely. It will do you more harm than good. 

Instead, you should focus on doing the little things you do every day. The things you do every day like a habit. For eg. - You may play with your pet, feed them, walk in your neighborhood or make a cup of coffee. 

When you focus on an activity that you do every day, it can bring a sense of satisfaction within you. You will feel comfortable doing them as you do them every day. They almost feel like a ritual and if you don’t complete them, you may even feel that something is missing or off. 

Hence, when you focus on these mundane routine activities, you can block off all the distractions that surround you. 

4. Get up early in the morning - If you truly want to experience some quietness in your environment, you must get up early in the morning. Except for the chirping of some morning birds, it is likely that you will not hear any sounds for quite some time. During this time, you can do all the work that you want to do in silence or just enjoy the calmness. Either Way, it will soothe your mind and soul.


If you really want to enjoy inner bliss and peace, follow the points stated above by my friend, Mark Roemer. I’m sure it will help you a lot as it has helped me too. 

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elain martell

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elain martell
Joined: October 12th, 2018
Articles Posted: 220

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