coin master free spin and coin links

Posted by freespin on July 18th, 2019

If you are a coin master player and love to play it there is a movement where you run out of spin then you are looking for some more spin to play the game. so click here to get all latest link of coin master game it will increase your interest to play game. and also it makes your experience to play game is awesome. so 50freespins offers you a invitation to visit our blog to get all latest link for free spin and coins.

Card Trading


 In coin master how to trade or send cards

The most effective method to send or trade card in Coin Master: By card trade or send card in Coin Master game player can finish card set rapidly and get stunning reward like coin master spin and coin master coins also you can get pets in game.

Step by step instructions to send or trade card in Coin Master: open your card collection> open card set where you have some extra cards > Tap on card you need send and click [Send] button> Select friend from given list > this is all that you have to do.

Instructions to send or trade card in Coin Master

We simply check outline of procedure, how to send card to friend, here is process in well ordered.

  • Open card collection from menu or you can see there is a card collection icon at the right bottom corner.
  • Open card collection where you have some extra card.
  • Select the card and tap on Send button.
  • Friend list will open when you tap on send button.
  • Find the friend to whom you want to send a card.


- You can possibly send card in the event that you have more than 1 one card of same kind.

- Gold Cards must be traded during extraordinary occasions.

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Coin Master Next Events FAQs


Coin Master Next Event FAQs. Players at some point needs to think about coin master next event list 2019, coin master event list, coin master next event, the coin master today's event and other detail. Here we attempt to list some much of the time posed inquiry and conceivable response for Coin Master events. Expectation you like it and found supportive data for questions.

How about we check Coin Master event FAQs, might be you discovered your answer from list. On the off chance that you have some more data for event, if you don't mind share it by using comment section

What is Coin Master the current event

Indeed, Coin Master gives you a event on daily basis, you will discover the current event name from coin master game application. The current event name visible in right or left close top corner, When you click on it, you will found detail how to play event and reward detail which user can get in the wake of finishing event effectively.

Here not included the present event name as it refreshed day by day and player can without much of a stretch discover it by opening game.

What is the following coin master next event or coin master event schedule 2019

All things considered, what is the following coin master next event is surprising and every game player can check it by making cool appearance, so open Coin Master game and appreciate recent development, next event will accessible once opportunity arrives for it.

Along these lines, Coin Master event plan 2019 and  coin master next event is continually astounding

Coin Master event not present or getting event error message

Coin Master event not present or accepting event blunder message. In the event that you confronting Coin Master event mistake issue, here is post for some recommended ventures to determine it.

FAQs list not finish yet, will refresh new inquiries and conceivable arrangement or answers once found.

Expectation you discovered FAQs accommodating, Here are some other post that you may get a kick out of the chance to peruse.


Every day Spins gift limit

You can send and get 100 coin master spin every day! This is the maximum no. of spins that you can send to your friends. 1 spin for 1 friends and so on till 100. So you can send 1 spin to each friends.

Day by day Coins gift limit

For Coins, the range that can be send and receive depends upon the your Village level. If you are at lower level village you can send and receive less amount of coins than higher level

Instructions to send Coin Master Spins to friends

  • Tap on the MENU symbol showed in the upper right corner of the screen 
  • Tap on "Gifts" icon to open up the Gift Menu from where you can send and receive spins, coins, and cards.

From Gift Menu, you can send and collect gifts of Coins, Spins, and Cards

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About the Author

Joined: July 18th, 2019
Articles Posted: 5

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