Precaution-AIR-y Measures: How to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Posted by Radmin on July 18th, 2019

Fuel is used everywhere. Industrial companies use it in everything from their machinery to their trucks. It's almost hard to imagine a day without it. However, heavy use of fuel produces harmful fumes, including carbon monoxide (CO). This odorless gas poses health hazards to anyone who's exposed to it.

Keep the air clean and your colleagues safe. Read on to learn how you can prevent CO poisoning in the workplace.

Know the Symptoms

The signs of CO poisoning aren't always obvious. Some of them are easily confused with another illness, too. Because of this, it's hard to accurately diagnose it with low levels of exposure. If you've been around higher levels of carbon monoxide, the symptoms are easier to pinpoint. Here are some signs you should note:

  •          Tension headaches
  •          Feeling sick
  •          Dizziness
  •          Tiredness and Confusion
  •          Breathing problems
  •          Stomach pain

These symptoms can worsen with prolonged contact with harmful gases. If they persist, you need to see a doctor immediately. You’ll need to be tested, and if the results are positive, you’ll receive medication.

Install Detectors

The best precautionary measure for this is to have a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS). This setup includes an apparatus that can detect and monitor air pollutants. The CEMS will take sample gas from the environment to be filtered, transported, and conditioned. Afterward, an analysis system processes it and reports the air’s condition.

Having a CO CEMS can help you keep track of the presence of fumes in your workplace. The data collected from them can be your basis when testing the safety of a factory. You can even tweak processes to create alarms that show a rise in the levels of carbon monoxide.

Frequent Maintenance Checks

Frequent use causes the gradual wear and tear of gas-operated machines. There are higher chances of CO leaks when damage isn't promptly addressed, so it's essential to have a professional check on the factory's equipment every so often.

Aside from looking after heavy equipment, it's also important to check your detectors. The CEMS should be functional at all times so that it can detect fumes all day and night. If you notice faults with the machine, call a technician immediately.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning can affect anyone. It can be prevented, however, by taking precautionary actions. With the right knowledge and CO CEMSyou can avoid the fumes' fatal effects in industrial workplaces.

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Joined: April 13th, 2019
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