The Body Building Diet and Proper Protein Intake

Posted by fareed shakir on July 19th, 2019

An ordinary body building diet does not want to add massive amounts of protein, in spite of what the fitness experts currently say. The typical currently suggested is one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Which means a 200 pound man would need to consume around 200 grams of protein per day. The body building magazines recommend a straight higher number in comparison to this.

The Recommended Daily Allowance for Protein consumed by the common adult is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

This calculates to about 64 grams of protein intake per day for a 175 pound person. So just why are these numbers so vastly different? The RDA's suggestions are derived from research studies using college aged men. The studies found that this is the appropriate level of protein to keep a correct nitrogen balance in these young men. However, nitrogen balance has not proven 100% effective in predicting muscle loss or gain. This may indicate that the RDA's protein intake estimate wouldn't be right for your body building diet.

The AMDR recommends between 10% and 35% of all calories consumed daily to be protein.

So depending on which your daily calorie intake is, this will affect simply how much protein you should be eating. The acronym AMDR means Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range and the Institute of Medicine established it in 2005. The key trouble with the AMDR's recommendation is that it covers a fairly large spread. Neither the AMDR or the RDA take exercise under consideration using their recommendations. An individual who is exercising actively needs to add this factor within their body building diet plans.

So as it pertains to developing a good body building diet, neither the RDA nor the AMDR seem very helpful.

Many of the body building magazines use numbers as high as 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight as a suggestion. That means a 175 pound man would need to consume 350 grams of protein daily! Let's face it, body building magazines aren't the absolute most neutral parties. Their main source of income is by selling advertising. And the top product advertised in body building magazines is protein supplements. So it appears logical that 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is far significantly more than you probably need.

Did you know that the more protein you eat, the higher you are able to digest it?

Here's a weird body fact; if you eat large levels of protein at every meal, your system becomes used to it and has an easier time absorbing it. If the body is used to eating smaller levels of protein, then a high protein meal could make your stomach upset because your gastro-intestinal system won't manage to digest it all. A lot of people associate being able to digest more protein with building more muscle, but it's more complicated than that.

Just because you eat ten times more protein than you normally would doesn't mean you will build ten times more muscle.

Research has demonstrated that the more Clenbuterol musculation protein your body consumes, the more likely it is to convert amino acids to fuel in place of fat and carbohydrates. The human body is fueled by carbs, fat, and protein. Depending on which goes into the body, your system adjusts its fuel burning must output energy. So there's a certain level beyond which more protein just won't change lives - so how do you determine how much is right for your body building diet?

There are studies which show that consuming 70-120 grams of protein each day is optimal for muscle gain.

Brad Pilon is the writer of "How Much Protein", a book on this very topic. By comparing a number of different studies, he found that if an individual eats between 0.55 and 0.7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight a day, that is a great balance for increasing muscle. He quotes a number of these studies which found that the protein intake of over 120 grams daily didn't contribute by any means to additional muscle gain. So who's advice could you rather follow; solid scientific research or the supplement companies? It's around you. I would suggest eating around 100 grams of protein each day, that is easy to accomplish without making expensive protein shakes section of the body building diet.

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fareed shakir

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fareed shakir
Joined: February 28th, 2019
Articles Posted: 669

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