Servo Stabilizers – SERVOCARE by Servomax Limited

Posted by servocare on July 20th, 2019

Do you know – deviations in power supply can end up in serious dangers and accidents? Alterations in power voltage levels are one of the common problems we see. Irrespective of the end-user, voltage abnormalities can lead to severe equipment damage and even life loss sometimes.

It’s essential for us to observe such voltage fluctuations and prevent the occurrence of dreadful issues. Servomax Limited Hyderabad is India’s top enterprise that supplies excellent power solution – servo stabilizers – to assure perfect voltage stabilization.

Most of us just have an idea that stabilizers have to be used for voltage stabilization. But, what are these specific servo stabilizers?

Let’s know.

Servo Stabilizers – The Sole Voltage Regulators Used Anywhere

Technological advancements have been changing our world nowadays – we can find many positive developments in different power-based applications. Servo stabilizer is one such example of offering the best power voltage stabilization.

Voltage fluctuations do happen within the input power supply sometimes due to many reasons. If such an altered voltage reaches any equipment continuously, then it gets damaged fully or partially. So, to stabilize the increased or decreased voltage levels, we need to use stabilizers.

Servo stabilizers are the voltage stabilizers that raise or reduce the voltage supply to meet the sufficient voltage level with the help of the main part called servo motors. Specially designed variable and buck-boost transformers are used in these stabilizers to maintain perfect voltage regulation. The step-up or step-down mechanisms of these transformers help the servo stabilizer to finally provide the desired output voltage.

These servo controlled voltage stabilizers are so special and show quality performance for longer periods. They are even strongly built with standard manufacturing processes. They can handle very high voltage levels also – so they can be used in schools, houses, offices, theaters, malls, and many industries. This shows that servo stabilizers are the sole voltage regulators that can be used anywhere.

What are Common Voltage Issues?

As you know a power-based device works effectively only with the substantial voltage levels. Though the power voltage supplied is constant, sometimes, certain issues like over-voltage, under-voltage, short circuits, transients, waveform distortions, etc. do arise. These can create problems in the function of different appliances.



What’s the Impact of Low Voltage?

One of the major reasons for low voltage is overloading. Suppose you are using many loads or end-use equipment than the normal usage, then obviously, the power voltage supplied from the main source to a specific device will reduce.

While some devices take away much of the power, the remaining ones may not receive adequate power and they face the problems of low voltage.

Imbalances in the wiring system or poor wiring, the condition may also result in low voltage.

We have a formula V = IR, where V denotes the voltage of appliance, I denotes the current drawn by the appliance, and R denotes the resistance. If the voltage increases, the current reduces and vice-versa.

Now, we are talking about low voltage cases. Imagine what happens if the voltage is low!

The current drawn by the appliance increases, right?

Then, what happens to the appliance?

The conductors in the appliance draw more and more current than required. Automatically, the heat generation will be more. With increased heat, the wiring and insulation systems may get burnt. Simultaneously, the appliance will get damaged.

In the case of household appliances, you can wait till it gets repaired. But, what if such cases are seen in industrial machinery and huge equipment in hospitals or computer labs? Their routine operations will be disturbed and the businesses end up in an operational loss, equipment loss, productivity loss, and financial loss!

Now, let’s know what happens if the voltage is high.

High Voltage Problems

Sometimes, high voltage issues arise. Certain high-frequency issues by load switching or lightning, capacitor issues, and others can cause high voltage. The lightning strokes, incorrect earthing, and induced voltages due to atmospheric changes in the length of the transmission line are also responsible for high voltages. This sudden increase of voltage levels may be temporary or permanent – however, they cause problems to different equipment.

With high voltages, the wiring systems get affected. The current supplied to the device is lesser than the required levels and so, the device will not work properly. The motors and other machines will not run effectively and this creates a bad impact on the industrial machinery or residential power appliances or other equipment in commercial sectors.

It is, therefore, essential for all to regulate the voltage conditions.


The Necessity of Regulated Voltage for Industries

Industries – small, medium, or large-sized ones – base on important functions that need spectacular machinery, motors, instruments, and other equipment.

As said, if there is over-voltage or under-voltage, then the industrial machinery maybe damaged. A majority of the equipment in industries work on specific motors. With unbalanced voltage conditions, motor functioning affects a lot from about 2% to 90%. So, there will be a severe bad effect on the different industrial equipment that relies on motors.

There will be even many other dreadful situations in many industries.

Sometimes, the coils of transformers may get affected, computer installations face data issues, telecommunication industry faces transmission issues with harmonic interference, textile machinery won’t run, food-processing equipment gets damaged, and so on. Likewise, there may be a huge impact on many significant operations.

Thereby, the routine production reduces affecting the market reach. This will have an effect on the end customer also.

So, by now, you might have understood that the root cause of all these problems is voltage variation. Therefore, voltage regulation in industries and also other diversified sectors is important.

Servo stabilizers play an important role in managing these fluctuations.

As discussed, servo stabilizers keep a check on these increased or decreased voltage variations and avoid such unexpected and unimaginable losses to varied sectors.

Servo stabilizer manufacturers in India have come forward to help industries, residences, hospitals, educational institutions, and other offices. With splendid moves and motives, they serve assorted types of servo stabilizers.

SERVOCARE by Servomax Limited – The Esteemed Servo Stabilizer Manufacturer in India

Standing in the top, Servocare by Servomax Limited manufactures, supplies, distributes, and even exports marvelous power-conditioning and power-saving products in India and abroad. It is a famous enterprise offering standard and reliable products – servo stabilizers. It is engaged in providing -

  • Industrial Servo Stabilizers (Capacities up to 250 KVA) – They are designed to provide substantial output for three-phase and single-phase power systems in various industrial applications.


Servomax Limited designs well-built products by following the practices of national and international standards. It is the best organization providing ultimate safety to different kinds of industrial equipment.


Today, Servocare is the popular brand of servo stabilizers used across various minor and major industrial businesses.


  • Residential Servo Stabilizers (Capacities up to 250kVA) – Servomax Limited assures residential safety through its spectacular models of residential servo voltage stabilizers. It is your real defense means to the dangerous power issues.


They give adequate stabilized output voltage to home appliances and help in preventing various fire accidents, improve the quality of your home appliances.


You just need to find loads of your residences, calculate the capacity required, and then purchase a reliable residential servo stabilizer. Also, Servomax Limited helps you in this process – it gives enough information and suggests the right products as per your customized needs.


These are the beneficial savers as well – they avoid unwanted excess power consumption – so, they also help in reducing your power bills! Isn’t it the best option! Definitely, right?


Now, here are the other magnificent models of Servocare’s servo voltage stabilizers.


  • Oil-Cooled Servo Stabilizers (Capacities up to 5000kVA) – Certain applications like CNC & VMC machines, electrical equipment, elevators, medical equipment, motor lab equipment, and so on need, effective stabilization with special insulation means also. Servomax Limited provides fulfills its demands of perfect continuous stabilization with oil-cooled considerations.


The transformers inside are built reliably – however, to increase the quality performance of the equipment, they have to be cooled simultaneously.


Otherwise, the stabilizer and also the equipment will be heated and damaged. Oil-cooled servo stabilizers of Servocare reduce such tensions. They are designed to suit indoor as well as outdoor applications.


  • Air-Cooled Servo Stabilizers (Capacities up to 250kVA) – Servomax Limited is prominently famous as the greatest servo stabilizer manufacturer in India. This is because of its care for the environment. Intending to reduce the smoke, dust, and other toxic gases eminent from other stabilizer models, it has come front with an Eco-friendly option – servo stabilizers air-cooled.


Like other models, they are specially designed for many applications like household appliances, electrical equipment, medical equipment, television sets, textile industries, automobile equipment, etc. But, the only difference is that they do not have any vents. Simply they are cooled by the air and so, they require minimum maintenance.


Servomax Limited, therefore, reduces your investment and maintenance costs – yet, it supports perfect stabilization demands.


  • Single-Phase Servo Stabilizers (Capacities up to 50kVA) – Servomax Limited not only excels in providing three-phase servo voltage stabilizers. It also satisfies the stabilization needs of single-phase power applications. Its single-phase servo voltage stabilizers enable high levels of protection including high-voltage protection, low-voltage protection, overload protection, and short-circuit protection.


They are designed in such a way that their efficiency as high as 99%. Servomax Limited provides these magnificent stabilization aids to call centers, food processing units, hospitals, cold-storage, hotels, restaurants, pharmaceutical units, and many other places.


With this excellent diversified product portfolio, Servomax Limited has occupied an eminent esteemed position in the market.


However, it is well-known and preferable to other competitive products because of certain significant specifications.

Spectacular Specifications

Servomax Limited work hard with ultimate zeal, research, and latest technological adoption. To enjoy 100% customer satisfaction, it always seeks user concerns and tries to provide the best solutions.

Considering the customers’ demands and views, it helps in designing customized products. The stabilizer size, its capacity, the place of installation (indoor or outdoor), etc. may vary from one user to the other. So, the Company provides perfect solutions by satisfying all these considerations.

Its servo stabilizers are built with cutting-edge technologies to maintain high-voltage correction, 99% efficiency, quick response time, excellent regulation, individual phase control, and other such elements. They also have microcontroller based systems.

However, the Company does not compromise on the quality and brand. Its products are also available in affordable ranges.


SERVOCARE – The Brand Idol with Service-Oriented Motto

Undoubtedly, Servocare is a famous brand for providing substantial stabilization solutions. It works confidently with the service-oriented motto. It is engaged in providing various services like repair of transformers, oil-leakage checks, repair of servo motors, replacement of carbon brushes in the transformers, maintenance of insulation systems, checking the coils, etc. 

So, you can just approach this eminent Company to acquire the adequate maintenance of your servo stabilizers.

I hope this will be helpful for one and all. So, if you are vexed with any of such voltage issues, then here is your solution – be ready to stay safe and keep a full-stop to the swaying voltages. Purchase the standard servo stabilizers from Servomax Limited, one of the Best servo stabilizers manufacturers in Hyderabad. Save power and save the environment by Servocare’s servo stabilizers!



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Joined: April 18th, 2019
Articles Posted: 17

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