21 Mistakes that can lead to Failure in Direct Selling and Network MarketingPosted by Hannah Cuthbertson on July 22nd, 2019 21 Mistakes that can lead to Failure in Direct Selling and Network Marketing Network marketing is indeed a best opportunity for the people who want to earn extra incomes without quitting their current job. It gives them an entrepreneurial experience while generating extra incomes through direct selling in their day-to-day life. People often tend to make some mistakes in a hurry to earn that extra amount of income. This post will help you understand 21 common mistakes that people make in the network marketing business. You must go through this post well to learn from their mistakes and take an informed route to success since difficulties may arise in other forms for you. If you will be prepared for them, you will be able to deal with them in a better way, regardless your business stage you and experience. You will tend to experience failure much sooner in your entrepreneurship when you will: 1) Start thinking that you can earn easy money without putting enough effort. Be it any sort of income, it will not come to you unless you will put required efforts for it. Simple success mantra to remember here is “Your Rewards in Life are directly proportional to the Contribution you make” 2) Start considering it as a hobby. You need to give this business the required time along with efforts in order to make it work. Your commitment is required for this too. 3) Start considering you near and dear ones as the only members in your network, It all begins at home, that’s true, but if you want to reap bigger benefits, you need to expand your network with right affiliate programs, bonuses, and commissions. 4) Start pushing the products unnecessarily to everyone including the people who don’t even need those products. You need to research for right potential audience to market and sell your products to. 5) Start making assumptions on everyone else’s behalf. Talk to people and make them understand the business terms. Only then you will be able to know how many people are actually willing to work with you. 6) Start recruiting just everyone. You must understand that not everyone is your prospect or can make the right team member. Create some qualifying criteria, especially if you want to create a lasting network. 7) Start making excuses for your mistakes. You better need to accept them, learn from them, and come out with better solutions to deal with them the next time the similar scenario is there. 8) Start sharing the products without gaining full knowledge about them. Always remember the product details including ingredients make much more impressions than the product itself. 9) Start bragging more about products than making it sound like a business opportunity. 10) Start spending on inventory that will surely help meeting targets, but will start converting into loss if you will not make enough efforts to rotate and sell them in the network. The product needs to move. 11) Start building your own system than following the defined guidelines. Learn the right way to move along and then start building processes and system your own way. 12) Start investing more money in flyers and mails. Instead, you should start investing more in worthy activities that can take your business to next level. 13) Start giving out samples as giveaways without collecting prospect’s information to contact or follow-up later. You need a firm plan for building and maintaining contacts. 14) Start mixing personal and professional accounts, as it will result into a bigger blunder with the time. 15) Start taking No way too seriously. You need to make a follow up plan. 16) Start taking everything granted over the time. 17) Start depending on others to take your business to next level. 18) Start ignoring the benefits of traditional or direct selling that too when you have touch of technology. 19) Start keeping aside personal growth and training. Rather you should pay attention on skill development that will help you in business terms. 20) Start losing leaders from your team by not appreciating their work. 21) Start making switch too frequently. You need to wait for results while continuously making efforts. There are too many ways to avoid such failure. The best way is to have a disciplined culture in your business and strictly avoid all the mistakes listed above. One quick recommendation here is for network marketing software from Volochain. They have an experienced team of professionals who can help you with the best solution suitable for your products and business plan – be it binary mlm plan, gift plan, or any other. Hope you will take a better and efficient route to success in your direct selling business while keeping the operations productive and managed with the right software selection.
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