group health insurance in salt lake city

Posted by jennah kellen on July 22nd, 2019

Group health insurance in Salt lake city

Group health insurance in Salt lake city uses a federally-run exchange system where the state conforms to the much shorter open enrollment period the federal government implemented in 2018.  Enrollment was hampered by the national funding cuts for exchange marketing and enrollment assistance up to the free enrollment period, however some local organizations, such as Take Care Utah and Utah Healthy Policy Project assist the underserved Utahns.

Open enrollment for 2019 in Utah ended December 15, 2018, but ACA-compliant plans are still possible for Utahns with acceptable proceedings.

Three insurers offering 2019 health insurance plans in Utah are Molina Healthcare of Utah, Select Health Inc., and University of Utah Health Insurance Plans. These are made possible through the Utah exchange.

Group Health Insurance in Utah

Group Health Insurance is the most desired and sought-after job benefit a business can offer. Most employees are willing to accept lower wages if their employers sponsor their health insurance.

Having the right Group Health Insurance plan can increase productivity in a business, allowing them to attract and retain the necessary skills and talent to help their business thrive.

Once a company is legally considered as a business in Utah, they are automatically approved for Group Health Insurance upon applying. Companies with 50 or more employees are legally obligated to provide Health Insurance coverage while for companies with fewer than 50 employees are not mandated, but will still attract the best prospective employees.

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jennah kellen

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jennah kellen
Joined: June 20th, 2019
Articles Posted: 42

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