Why Is It Important For A Software Tester To Get Trained In Selenium?

Posted by Rajesh on July 25th, 2019

Remember good old 90s time when most of the washing, cleaning, cooking etc. was done by hands but now things have changed and most of our automatic devices do it for us. Same way with the fast-changing world where everything is moving to automation, definitely getting trained in Selenium tool has become mandatory for software testers not only to survive the job market but also get value added to their profiles. Earlier it would take several days to test an application but with automation coming into existence entire application can be tested in just few hours. In coming days manual testing will see decrease and will be replaced completely by automation. Speed and Time are the main two factors for all the software companies.

Automation tools like Selenium cut down the delay by providing immediate feedback which can be worked by the development team immediately. Selenium improves efficiency and accuracy and that’s the reason more Companies are desiring Automation testers over manual testers. Companies where lot of data has to be processed, Automation tools like Selenium plays major role, as testing applications manually is a time-consuming job. Quality and quantity both can be easily managed by Selenium. Selenium is an open source tool and it works with any OS. Selenium also supports 7 different languages. That’s the reason there is huge demand and opening for Selenium automation testers and the same is growing with each passing day. Expertise in Selenium gives you plenty of coding knowledge, skill and experience. Selenium tool usage has reduced the need for manual testers in the Industry. Only being a software tester without automation tool knowledge and skillset, places you in a very uncertain situation. If you are already a software tester and want to take your career to the next level definitely the clever choice is to skill up with Selenium.

The only way to get proficiency in Selenium tool is to get right training and certification from right people. Check out for a training place where you get all the concepts covered from basics to advance concepts including important frameworks like TestNG, Cucumber, POM. Practicing real time test case and real time projects will help you to expertise Selenium tool with ease. Experts who have exceled in Selenium and have real time work experience should be your choice as mentors and trainers. Once you get complete knowledge of the Selenium tool, cracking interviews or implementation in projects both can be easily achieved by you. Spending or rather investing on trainings are important to grab the salary hikes you dream for!

Even if you have little or no experience in automation selenium projects if you are strong in Selenium Training in Chennai topics and frameworks you can easily crack interviews and become a successful automation expert. In the automation testing job market, every 7 openings out of 10 are for Selenium automation testers. Mostly Selenium with java is preferred in the market as commercially the same is more desired and widely used. Even if you are a manual tester planning to automate your manual testing activities or a manual tester looking for career switch – in both cases Selenium Training in chennai would be the right tool to help you.

In recent times lot of companies are downsizing their staff every year and one of the reason for the same is technology changing continuously and skills getting outdated due to automation. So testers should continuously keep on upskilling themselves to stay pertinent and vital part of their organization. Opportunities are plenty in the market but only for people who are skilled as per the industry standards. So go ahead invest your time, effort and money at a place which values it and gives you back more than you expect. All the best!

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Joined: July 25th, 2019
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