Music - The Peaceful WayPosted by egitana on July 29th, 2019 I commute to my work, reach there at 8 and start off ASAP. The clock strikes 2, it's time for lunch, the clock strikes 2:30 now get back to work. I work till 7 sometimes 8 and now my night awaits. Amidst this stressful city life, one can always find peace. Although our ways and means are different yet they are somehow connected together. You want to know how Music can be the peaceful way, as an anti-thesis to our mundane blues, read on the article below. Well it's quite simple, as I travel back home, I listen to my new musical pieces, many recorded on the classic Godin guitar. It's really a fine way to keep on listening to your own tracks until a time comes when you are able to judge each piece and refine it in that little mind of yours. Sometimes when it’s raining, I like to listen to some decent folk songs and what can be a better alternative than the hitting the jams of Takamine guitars. These songs, they certainly inspiring and bring about a stoic courage within, making me ready for every challenge that comes in the corporate life. When I reach back home, I have nothing else in my mind but to hit my pearl drum set and rock out the freshest beats, releasing all the stress build up during the day. The drum is smooth, gives me the drive to dish out novel beats, one after another all in a single eve. Of course, every drummer needs his survival kit, don’t they? The crash plate, and some extra Hihat dishes ofZildjian ensure that I can keep the vibe up, as long as I want to because the time passes away without any interruptions. I remember once we had a small party in my office, and we all performed. I performed Hotel California and it was received with such respect, perhaps it was the Mooer ocean machine which did the job as the perfect pedal for the synthesist in me. When I am in the mood, I forget about tomorrow. So, I bring out my electric beauties, plug them to the Headrush pedal board and deliver to myself some versatile and realistic artist ever ready for the road ahead. I also feel that many guitarist can make use of the Strymon Timeline that serves as a multi-dimensional delay pedal which provides twelve distinct delay machines, each with a crisp control over the sonic feel. I surely think that I am incomplete with each of my instrument, I hope I can stay connected with them for a greater part of the day, but then again, how can I? After all I do have a job or do I? Like it? Share it!More by this author |