Interesting Renewable Energy Facts to Make India Proud
Posted by Lubi Solar on July 29th, 2019
It was not long ago when India signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016 as a responsible nation assuming its responsibility to contribute to save the environment. Ever since, we have come a long way and set a precedent for other developed and developing nations. After China, US and the EU, India is the 4th largest carbon emitter and as responsible nation it assumes its responsibility to reduce the carbon footprint. It is really commendable that we have taken necessary steps in a short span of about 3 years to rapidly shift from coal to renewable energy. Here’re few interesting facts that should certainly make every Indian proud.
1. India Emerged as a Pioneer in Solar Power Generation
Yes, it is safe to say that we have emerged as a pioneer in solar power generation. In just 2 years, we have added 9 GW of solar power for a total 12 GW of solar capacity. That’s not it! We are aiming to double the figures pretty rapidly. Considering the pace at which India is progressing in this field, soon we will be in the league of big nations with great solar power capacity such as US, Japan and China. The number of solar power system manufacturers has increased exponentially in India in a very short span of time.
2. Great & Rapid Increase in Solar Capacity
India’s solar power capacity has increased pretty rapidly. The astonishing expansion rate of solar generation capacity in merely 3 years is 370 percent. Numerous incentives have been announced by Indian government to complete the existing projects as soon as possible and according to a report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, we will have about another 37 GW added by 2020. By the year 2040, coal will not be a major source of power in India.
3. Say No to Coal!
It is an open secret that the Indian energy sector has been ruled by coal for over hundred years now. This tradition is breaking as the need for a more environment friendly alternative was much needed now than ever. Coal emission has already deteriorated air quality to a big extent. The emergence of renewable energy has made many states in India decide not to make new coal fired plants anymore. In-fact, many coal mining projects have been cancelled already. It is a good and positive change for environment and solar module manufacturers.
These facts are enough to make India proud of its efforts towards a better and healthier environment. If you need more information about solar power or solar power system manufacturers, then feel free to get in touch with us.