Discover Cheap Ways to Make Your Home Look More Expensive

Posted by Aditya Thakur on August 1st, 2019

Even though everyone is scrambling to achieve it, having an expensive looking home is easier than most people think. Now that many of us are feeling financial strains, it’s time to get creative when it comes to decorating. This need for diversity has led to a revolution amongst home owners. Unlike what most companies want consumers to believe, less is more with décor. People nowadays have become more and more creative and they are using the same to their fullest! From changing styles to adding cheap highlights, there are plenty of affordable ways to make your home look more expensive.

Instead of jumping on costly remodeling projects, it’s time to make do with what’s available. “Best from Waste” should be your mantra while having a makeover in your home. Now that an entire community has dedicated itself to finding cheap fixes, no home should be average. You should pull up your socks and get ready for making a complete transition that will mesmerize everyone in the town! There are too many choices available to settle for anything less than fantastic. To highlight this shift in consumerism, here is a compilation of a list of easy ways to make your home look more expensive. The best part is, these ideas are extremely easy to implement. Discover how to revolutionize your décor without demolishing your bank account! Here are the ideas; have a read and enjoy!

Idea #1: Embrace Minimalism – By adopting this decorating style, home owners automatically start winning. Minimum things in a room that are organized in a well sophisticated manner will shine your room and give it a royal, classy look! Instead of being obligated to continue purchasing, minimalism celebrates having less décor. This idea is liberating for most, since it means our finances can be focused on fewer items. Quit punishing your budget and start investing in better quality décor! After all someone has truly said, “Quality is more important than quantity!”

The very first thing in embracing minimalism is to have a minimalistic approach. You must control your hunger or crave for having more and more and start getting satisfied for smaller yet COMPLETE things! Then, now here is the most difficult yet most important task ahead; to arrange these things creatively!

If you have bought a showpiece which can be accommodated in corner of a room then arrange it in a corner only, don’t compromise with the positions otherwise it will make you regret later. Also, if you can decorate your walls with a cheaper yet elegant wall-hangings! This will be a cherry on cake! People will be mesmerized to see the creativity level you achieved and this feeling will surely boost your confidence to make more creative things in future.

Idea #2: Frame Everything – Nothing makes a piece of artwork more appealing than a quality frame. To get the best deal, buy frames in bulk. This provides plenty of ways to highlight everything from maps to paintings. By incorporating this elegant touch, users make their homes look classier than most restaurants! While buying wooden frames, make sure that you buy the frames made by waterproof plywood. This will ensure that the frames will remain intact even when they come in the contact of water or sudden water attacks. Especially, if you are planning to put wooden frames near window or in terrace then there is no option but to have waterproof plywood purchased from one of the best plywood manufacturers in India, such as Saburi Ply, where you will receive the latest updates and happenings in the plywood industry. You will also come across the widest range of various plywood types at affordable rates, only at our online store!

Idea #3: Add Conversation Pieces – Even though it’s great to have everything orderly, every home needs a wild card. It’s never too late to liven things up, so don’t resign yourself to boring décor. Browse for any sculptural art to find the perfect piece for your home. Get the piece in home and get the peace in home! You will be astonished to see how a small piece of sculpture can make a big difference. Well, if you think that these small sculptures are costlier than ever, then let me tell you that your thinking is wrong! Many of the authentic pieces could be invaluable but most of them are affordable and you can readily buy them without giving much stress to your wallet! If you won’t believe you can check the same online and get assurance!! Well, if you’re looking for a carpenter who can make a marvelous wood sculpture for you then you must visit the Saburi Ply where you can get a professional consultation from the expertise in the industry along with the premium quality, standard plywood that will make your authentic dreams come true!

Idea #4: Color your home nicely – Well, if you’re confused as to how the coloring will make your home look expensive and that too at a lower cost, then let me tell you that it is not a hoax and it is surely possible; although there are some tips and tricks that you need to strictly follow in order to make this happen. Here are some of the smart tips:

  1. Well, when you choose a right color combination for your home, then believe me but it not only enhances the look but also gives the overall richness to your sweet home. You just need to have a little bit R&D before coloring your home.
  2. The second most important thing in coloring is considering your furniture. Give a suitable coloring to your furniture as well; as it plays very vital role in creating a positive image about your home. Texturing is one of the coolest options but I won’t recommend it in this article as it is a bit costlier option.
  3. Color combination of walls and floor design should also match perfectly. There should be a perfect contrast between both of them so as to have a perfect outcome in the form of elegance!

So, these were some of the coolest ideas, smart tips and tricks that we thought you might be interested in! Do let us know your feedback, responses and reactions. You can visit our online store by clicking here.  

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Aditya Thakur

About the Author

Aditya Thakur
Joined: April 3rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 1