When is it necessary to present a French to English document translator?

Posted by John Smith on August 3rd, 2019

French to English document translator is a very common service. If you must travel, study or work in France, you will have to carry out many administrative procedures for, for example, obtaining a residence permit, conducting job interviews, etc. To do this, you will need official translation services. Let us know how are they ordered?

If you need an official Translation in French, here are some tips and useful information: doubts about translations.

When is it necessary to present a French Translation?

All French official bodies such as municipalities, universities, courts or the public administration, require to submit any documentation in French. The same happens in English, where all documents must be presented in English. In this case, you will need official translation French to English service provider.

If you reside in France or travel to France for work, you will have to make official translations into French of all your original documents of any language other than French.

If you are in the UK and must present documents written in French to any English administration, you must request translation from French to English.

What are the most frequent Translations in French?

France and the UK are countries that require official translations to perform any type of official act and procedure. In the academic field, the application for translations of diplomas and academic records is very common.

The majority of documents that ask us to translate and swear in French are related to the family regularization of foreigners in France or French abroad: birth certificates, family books, marriage certificates or criminal records.

Some of the most common French translations:

•    Translation of a Marriage Certificate
•    Translation of a Birth Certificate
•    Translation of a Criminal Record
•    Translation of a Title or Diploma
•    Translation of an Academic Record

3. The French translation and its peculiarities:

The Translation French - English and vice versa, is the most requested due to the geographical proximity. Unlike a generic translation, the translation has a series of fundamental formal requirements that guarantee its validity.

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John Smith

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John Smith
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