Few Ways You Can Reward Loyal Customers

Posted by Sunder Singh on August 14th, 2019

If you want to boost customer loyalty, a reward program can help build a loyal customer base and drive more business. Customers want to save money when they shop. When they join a loyalty program, they expect the brands to give them the freedom to use their points to get better deals.

But according to research, more than half of the memberships for loyalty rewards program remain inactive. It indicates that many customers are not using loyalty programs. It is where you need to find ways to improve the programs so that loyal customers can make the most of it. Here are some ways to do so:

Bring in Unique Offers

Aside from the general offers which are open to the public, you need to create offers which the members can take advantage of by exchanging the points.

The key to success is to ensure that these offers are exclusively available for the members of the loyalty program and can be redeemed only with points. It helps in two ways: first, it promotes customer loyalty.  Second, it encourages members to spend more to gain more points so they can get the offer.

Rewards for Referrals

This loyalty program is beneficial for both the brands and their loyal customers get rewarded as well. In this way, the new customers will be able to purchase the latest products at a better price and gain reward points.

You need to start by sending a message to your loyalty members, asking them to refer their family and friends in exchange for an exclusive discount.

Bonus Points Campaign

There are two ways to execute such a campaign. You can promote a particular product and service which the members can earn more points than usual by buying.

You can also give extra points to loyal customers when they buy multiple products from the store. In this way, your customers will be able to earn multiple points. But you need to make sure that you are promoting it effectively over the social media if you want to get the full benefits.

You can leverage the home page and the product pages to highlight these rewards.


With the help of a loyalty rewards program, you can reward loyal customers and gain new customers as well. You will surely reap the benefits of working in this manner!

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Sunder Singh

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Sunder Singh
Joined: June 10th, 2016
Articles Posted: 102

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