Something about Love and Social networking website sharing
Posted by Dev on August 19th, 2019
Something about Love and Social networking website sharing
Is it possible to love someone and intentionally lie to them? Love is… to bear all things. This means that with each other's faults. no one is perfect. Love is ... believing in all things. This does not mean that we have doubts about anyone. We should be able to take what someone says at face value.

This is trust. Love is… there is hope in all things. It is knowing that everything will work for the best.
Love is… endurance. It means that it is with those little things that make us crazy. Love is ... never to fail.
Love is real when it can stand for all these things. It looks best in others and brings out these things.
True love can withstand the test of time. By being with someone for a long time, you can go through various feelings and periods with that person. If you have the strength of the weather through these various experiences with your lover in your heart, both you and the relationship will be stronger.
Love does not mean that your lover has a responsibility to keep you happy and vice versa.
The only person who has the responsibility to make you happy is yourself. When you and your lover can "make" each other happy, you should not depend on each other for happiness.
Couples who are happy together, in the end, are made up of individuals who were happy from the beginning. It is a difficult responsibility to keep yourself happy, do not make it difficult for yourself by taking the happiness of another person as your responsibility.
Love is sublime Love gives strength Love gives determination. In love, many lovers do what they could never have imagined in a dream.
Empires have been sacrificed for love. The battle is fought for love. Love has ruled mankind since ages. Those who experience love, they are really lucky. Real love is helpful. Love yourself, love your dreams, love your mission, love your life, and sure enough, a wonderful person will show up and love you even more.
Love is best seen as devotion and karma, not as emotion. Love is not based solely on how we feel.
Certainly, our feelings are involved, but they may not be the only criteria for our love. True devotion can perpetually result in action - true love.
love is patient love is kind. It doesn't envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. ... love is not in evil but joy in the truth.
Love is the fire of friendship "- Unknown"
Love is a perfect thing, marriage is a real thing. "- Goethe
"To be in love is only to be in a state of perceptual insensitivity." - H. L. Menken
love expands your heart and makes you bigger inside. "- Margaret Walker
"There is no awareness of merit or demerit in love; it has no scale ... love is love; that is its nature." - Howard Thurman
"Love is like war: easy to start but hard to end." - Anonymous
"It is in love, that two solitude protect and touch and greet each other." - Rainer Maria Rilke
"Where there is love, there is no room too small." - Talmud
"Love makes its soul crawl from its hiding place." - Zora Niele Hurston
"Love is the irrational desire to remain unreasonably desired." - Mark Twain
First and foremost is to focus on yourself. Your dreams, your goals, your reality. Someone who truly loves you will love you even more if you are your true self. No one can love you when you follow your excitement, which is not worth loving you! If your husband is angry with you because you take the time to achieve your goals, then that is not helpful. If your wife is jealous because you have success and she is not, then it is her problem. Do not lose yourself, and your love will remain. Focus on the explanation why you're here on earth, build your mission the primary priority in your life and you may be dear for the World Health Organization.
This is real love. Real love is helpful. Love yourself, love your dreams, love your mission, love your life, and sure enough, a wonderful person will show up and love you even more. What you are able to give yourself, you will get back a thousand times from the outside world. If you are already in the energy of love by loving yourself with psychology articles, then you will attract love from outside in your life. Make love last by loving yourself first. love love love...
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