Dental Implants: Uses, Advantages and Everything You Need to Know

Posted by Orion Dental Care on August 23rd, 2019

Missing teeth are not just a matter of great embarrassment but are not good for your overall health in the long term. People who lack one or more of their teeth often shy away from smiling or getting clicked. Though, missing teeth is not a matter of shame but can take a toll on your self-esteem. You are not the only one when it comes to tooth loss. It has been estimated that about 70% of adults between the ages of 35-60 have at least one or more missing teeth. This number goes even higher when a person is above 70 years, where some individuals seem to have been missing a full set of teeth. In previous times, people used to take the help of dentures to make up for the missing teeth, made up of ivory and metal fasteners. Fortunately we today have much better options when it comes to replacing the missing teeth. Dental implants refer to the artificial tooth root that is made up of titanium or other biocompatible material. These are tiny metal posts that are fitted into the gum for functioning similarly to the tooth root. These can be personalized for the fit and as per the individual needs of the patient. 

Different types of dental implants

There are three most types of dental implants, which are zygomatic, endosteal and subperiosteal. 

Endosteal implants: these are the type of dental implants that are placed in the jawbone. These types of dental implants are suitable for most but are appropriate for only those having a healthy and good jawbone for posts to fuse with. These are screw-shaped posts that are placed in the jawbone to which the false teeth are fitted. This procedure may be a little longer due to the time taken for the osseointegration of posts with the bone. 

Subperiosteal implants: This type of dental implant is placed beneath the gum, but above the jawbone. This is more suitable for patients who do not have a healthy bone to be able to support the implants or want to avoid the process of bone augmentation. 

Zygomatic implants: this is the most complex type of dental implant procedure that is least preferred. This is only required when you lack enough jawbone for the endosteal implant. This type of implant is put in the cheekbone. 

However, when your jawbone fails to support any implants, your dentist may prescribe certain techniques of dental implants like

Bone augmentation: this includes restoration or regeneration of bone in your jaw when it is unable to support the implants. The use of bone growth agents and additives has shown to hasten this process. 

Expansion of the ridge: if your jaw lacks width enough for supporting the dental implants, the bone grafting material needs to be added to small ridge or space on the top portion of your jaw. 

Sinus lift: also known by the name of sinus augmentation or sinus elevation is the addition of bone below the sinus of the natural bone has deteriorated because of missing of upper teeth.  

The procedure of dental implant

Certain steps in the dental implant procedure are

Placing the implant

Your dentist will place the dental implant surgically into your jawbone and will prescribe the pain medications to give relief from the discomfort following the procedure. 

The healing process

The bone tends to grow around the implant and makes it quite strong that it firmly stays in its position. This process is commonly known as osseointegration and this process can take up to several months. Till then one needs to wait before new teeth can be attached to the abutment or the implant. Healing process length depends upon replacement tooth location and type of implants being used. 

Are you a good candidate for dental implants? 

You are a good candidate for receiving dental implants if 

  • you are in good general health

  • Your jawbone supports the dental implants

  • You maintain good oral hygiene and stay away from tobacco products

Advantages of dental implants

  • Dental implants might seem pricier but they work for a long time and hence is a long-time investment

  • The dental implant is more convenient as compared to other methods like dentures. They provide you with the freedom to eat your favorite food without any pain

  • It gives good oral hygiene as it does not disturb the functioning or structure of the surrounding teeth 

If Tou have any query related to Dental Implants, You may reach to Orion Dental Care The Best Dental Clinic in Delhi

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Orion Dental Care
Joined: August 23rd, 2019
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