Aspects Of Removing Or Disputing Hard Inquires From Your Credit ReportPosted by Jacab Roy on August 23rd, 2019 If you are wondering how to remove inquiries from credit report online, this article will help you immensely. In this article we shall look into some of the major facets of how to remove credit inquires online. We shall see how it can be done online. We shall see how you can dispute hard credit inquires into your credit history. Determine whether the hard inquiry affects your credit score- This is really important. Firstly you need to determine if the credit inquiry, nay the hard credit inquiry and see if it affects your credit score. You need to take action only after determining if your credit score is being affected or if it can be potentially affected. It is important for you to understand that only hard inquiries can make an impact on the same. Soft inquiry is not going to have any adverse effect on the credit score. If you have multiple hard inquiries in your credit report it indicates that you have not been able to qualify for a credit and at the same time you have been desperate for a credit. This does not leave a good impact on the lender and the lender may use it to deny you the credit that you deserve. The nature of the impact of a hard inquiry will primarily depend on the credit history. Of course it is not necessary that you are affected by one hard inquiry. Know when to challenge an inquiry-
this is the second most important thing to understand. You need to know when to challenge a hard inquiry, as not all hard inquires are going to affect the same. Most hard inquiry will be there on the credit report for at least 2 years. You need to dispute a hard inquiry if the inquiry was made without your consent r your knowledge. One condition under which it happens is when you are made the victim of identity theft. This is of particular significance when you think the inquiry has lowered your credit score. Start by optioning a copy of the report- This is where you need to start. Get a copy if your credit report from the concerned agency. You can also ask for a free annual credit report. Review the copy- This is the next step. You need to carefully look at the report and analyze the same. Figure out the inquiries that have been made. If you find any inquiry that seems dubious or that you cannot recall, make a note of that. Get in touch with the entity that made the hard inquiry- make sure that you are able to gather as much information as possible about the entity that has made the inquiry. Get it touch with the organization or the entity directly. Get in touch with the credit reporting agency if necessary. Jacab Roy is the author of this article. To Know more information about how to remove inquiries from credit report online please visit the website. Like it? Share it!More by this author |