The 2 Easiest Ways To Add A Pin It Button To Your Blog

Posted by Lisa | Individual Obligation on August 25th, 2019

If you’re looking for a valuable source of traffic, then Pinterest is an amazing place to start.

For me Pinterest amounts to around 45% of my traffic and SEO is around that same amount as well. It wasn’t always this way though. Pinterest traffic used to be all the traffic I would get when just starting out.

And that other 10% that isn’t covered by SEO or Pinterest. Well, it’s made up of a mixture of things, including Facebook and Twitter.

I’ve tried to grow my Twitter reach. Usually investing about 1-2 hours a week to curate other people's content and constantly creating new tweet variations. To make sure I’m following their duplicate tweet rules.

But I’ll be honest, despite the effort I’ve put into it. The return on my investment for Twitter has been pretty poor. Like extremely low handful of clicks. Yes - that bad.

Facebook usually gives me much better results, but to grow this any further. Then I really need to spend some money to make ads. Which is the main problem with joining Facebook so late. You have to spend money to make money. And this just isn’t as viable as getting free traffic from Pinterest. I simply don’t have a budget for ads yet. And I bet you probably don’t either.

Sure, the results you can get from Facebook ads fast (Think 4-7 days). Whilst Pinterest can take 1-2 months. If you know what you are doing. Emphasis on if. As Pinterest isn’t easy to figure out. The platform is changing rapidly and it is a struggle to keep up without professional advice.

Pinterest Is One Of The Best Places To Start As A New Blogger

Either way, I always recommend starting on Pinterest first as a new blogger. Just be sure to invest into some education for it. Nothing fancy. In fact, the low-cost book Pinteresting Strategies from Carly Campbell will last you for a long time. (Don’t be like me and spend 6months guessing only to find out you’ve been doing it wrong all along!)

When you start off with Pinterest, there are a few other things you need to consider though. And integrating your WordPress blog with Pinterest is one of them.

Previously, I’ve mentioned how to install Rich Pins to your blog. Which is one of the most important first steps you should take.

I’ve also talked about the only way you should be adding Pinterest descriptions into your blog posts using the data-pin-description attribute.

One of your next considerations should be to add a Pin It button to your blog. So your readers can easily share your content onto Pinterest.

The thing is, there are many ways to do this. Especially since there are tons of WordPress plugins. And knowing which one is the best to use is confusing.

So, that’s why I’ve condensed it all down. To the 2 best ways to add a Pin It button to your blog. One method uses the jQuery Pin It Button For Images plugin. The other requires editing some code in your blog's theme files.

Why these 2 methods?

Well, they are both free for starters. Secondly, they both cover all the possible options you might need for your WordPress blog. They do not require you to have a specific framework or theme for your blog. I love the Genesis Framework. But I realize not everyone uses it. And I wanted the tutorial to be helpful to as many people as possible. They are also both as simple as it gets.

Finally, whilst the option that requires editing your theme options has some customization. The jQuery Pin It button plugin has more options. Including the option to use your own custom Pin It button graphic too!

So, if you want a step by step guide for how to add a Pin It button to your blog and customize it? Then check out the full tutorial here.

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Lisa | Individual Obligation

About the Author

Lisa | Individual Obligation
Joined: August 2nd, 2019
Articles Posted: 3

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