NABARD Grade A 2019 Updates - Exam, Syllabus, Eligibility | Anujjindal.inPosted by Anuj jindal on August 27th, 2019 Salary, Perks, and Emoluments of NABARD Grade AAs NABARD was a part of RBI before 1982, it shares the same work culture as RBI. There is a fixed salary as well as a certain level of perks and allowances entitled to Grade A Officers. Find below the details of NABARD Grade A officers Salary. SALARY, PERKS, AND EMOLUMENTS Pay Scale: Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs.28150/- p.m. in the scale of 28150-1550(4) -34350-1750(7) – 46600 –EB – 1750(4)- 53600-2000(1)-55600 applicable to Officers in Grade ‘A’ and they will be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments are approximately Rs.61,000/-. Perquisites:
Candidates selected for the post will be governed by “the defined contribution to the New Pension Scheme (NPS)’ in addition to the benefits of Gratuity and Optional Group Term Insurance Plan.
All candidates selected for appointment by the Bank are liable to be posted and transferred anywhere in India. Hence, all of these factors make the NABARD Grade A Officer job profile all the more desirable and attractive. Don’t forget to check out NABARD Grade A Selection Process and Vacancies. Like it? Share it!More by this author |