Fruitfulness Of Becoming Language Assistant For French

Posted by Expat IT on September 3rd, 2019

Being a language assistant in a French School comes with its own perks and advantages. This could be an excellent opportunity for you to not only build new connections but also improve your command over French language, experience the rich culture of the country and acquire new skills to help you in your career.

By joining a reputable institute as the French language assistant, you will be blessed with many skill-enhancing and career-boosting advantages. In your capacity as the language assistant, you will get an opportunity to improve your students’ language skills as you provide them with insight about the culture of your native country.

French Language Assistant

What’s The Job Of Language Assistant About?

When you work as a French language assistant in a school, you will be teaching your language in a primary or a secondary school. You will be working for 12 to 18 hours per week for a year and will be receiving a salary during the placement.

Some of your core job responsibilities include preparing activities and lessons. Moreover, you may also be required to produce resources that will focus on helping students improve their language skills. This job also gives you an opportunity to make an effective contribution towards the cross-curricular work in cooperation with other subject areas. As a language assistant, you also get to introduce students to your own culture by discussing such topics as current affairs, films, sport, and festivals.

Teaching Experience

Experience counts as a critical factor in getting you the job of your dreams. That’s exactly what you get when you chose to serve as a language assistant. This opportunity will give you considerable experience of working in a sound teaching environment alongside some of the best and experienced colleagues.

In your capacity as a language assistant, you will get to experience how the education system in the country works and what different types of teaching methods are used to impart education to the pupils. As you are language assistant, you will also get invited to a number of induction and training meetings. These training meetings will help support your development to a great degree.

Enhance Your Command Over French Language

As you live and work in France, this gives you a firsthand opportunity to practice your French language skills. All types of activities that you undertake during your service as French language assistant will eventually improve your understanding of the French language. Whether you are shopping, talking to colleagues, or simply watching TV, your skills will continue to improve.

Another benefit is that you will get to hear and experience diverse range of French dialects and multiple regional variations of the language across France.

Acquire Transferable Skills

In the global market for jobs, employees who are fully aware of different cultures and societies are in high demand. The employers keep looking for candidates with maximum culture awareness. Your duration of service as French language assistant in Paris will be a proof that you have acquired considerable experience abroad and that you possess a range of useful skills such as

  • Effective and sound communication
  • Creative thinking and swift problem-solving techniques
  • The ability to perform both independently and as part of a team

These skills will definitely help you in earning a good job abroad.

Gain Cultural Experience And Enjoy Interactions

When you are serving as language assistant in France, you get to experience the culture of the country firsthand. As you go out, visit markets, and interact with people, it will give you a deep insight into the cultural fabric of the country. Teaching as a language assistant lets you understand the traditions and habits that bound the French nation as one.

It would offer you a diverse and multicultural experience as you get to understand the French people better. This brief stay will enhance your experience and knowledge of the French history, traditions, and happiness.


Enrolling yourself in a teaching assistant program in France will bless you lots of educational and career-boosting opportunities. As you explore the country and meet new people, you also get a practical opportunity to introduce others to your own culture.

This multicultural experience gives you considerable advantage along with amazing future prospects.

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Expat IT
Joined: July 3rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 4

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