MP Environment Minister Sajjan Singh, will be in Singrauli

Posted by News on September 14th, 2019

(Singrauli) Minister for Public Works and Environment, Shri Sajjan Singh Verma will attend a workshop on Fly Ash and Environment Management in Singrauli, M.P. on 14th September, 2019.  This will held in the Auditorium, Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Guest House, Vindhyanagar, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh.

Minister Verma has shown a serious concern towards the environmental issues arising out of the fly ash being generated. Please note that Singrauli has the highest number of thermal power plants and hence the concentration of fly ash is the highest in this region.

In this Fly Ash and Environment Management workshop, the speakers will address various issues. Some of the notable invited guests and speakers include Shri. H.K. Sharma, Director, M.P. Pollution Control Board, Bhopal, Mr. Vimal Kumar, Secretary General, C-Pharma, Shri. Prashant, Principal Scientist, CSIR, CIAFR, Dhanbad, Dr. Dinesh Goyal, former E.D., Shri. U.K. Guru Vitthal, Chief scientist, CSIR, CRRI, New Delhi, Dr. S. Murli, Principal Scientist, CSIR, AMPRI, Bhopal, among others.

It is a special initiative by Minister Verma who feels very strongly about bringing a change and saving the environment through proper disposal of the huge amount of fly ash that gets generated in the area, by utilizing the available fly ash as an ingredient of production in other industries. He hopes to get full support from the government officials, local authorities, corporates and others in making this environment initiative a huge success, and make Singrauli a better and a cleaner place to live in.

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