Tips for Getting Smooth, Hairless Skin at Home

Posted by flawlesslasercenter on September 23rd, 2019

Laser hair removal procedure is gaining popularity day by day and the whole world is going gaga over it, but to be practical, it is not affordable by everyone. It is an expensive procedure and not everyone has deep pockets.

I visited many of the centers for "hair laser removal near me" and you should go for this procedure if you have big bucks to spare. Not everybody has time to spare in this busy world to fix an appointment with a parlor to get rid that prickly, untamed hair and of course laser hair removal procedure can be a good option to get rid of the hair for once and all, but sadly, it is not something you can afford unless you are super-rich.

Well, we have listed below a list of options you can use sitting at home to get rid of your hair without having to spend much.

Razor is the answer!

It is portable, affordable and something it can be used as a quick fix during an emergency.

However, the downside is that razor leaves behind rashes and ingrown spiky hair which leaves you frustrated.

Say Hello to shaving cream!

Everybody at some point in their lives have used shaving creams. Shaving cream is easily available in the market and is affordable.

However, using it can be a task as you have to be patient with the 10 minutes waiting after applying it and the pungent smell arises from the strong chemicals in the shaving cream.

However, if used efficiently, it gives better results than the razor and does not leave any rashes behind.

Just Wax it!

Same as shaving cream, there are wax kits available in the market along with wax strips. Although the process is hectic, painful and requires time, once your body accommodates to it, the pain will gradually decrease and so will the hair growth.

Although compared to the rest of the two methods mentioned above, this process is a bit costly and time-consuming, still less compared to any center for laser "hair removal near me"! 

When Mother Nature comes to rescue!

Apart from the methods, the less popular methods to remove hair come in the form of sugar wax and pumice stone. Yes, these kitchen ingredients can also come to your rescue.

For making sugar wax just take sugar, lemon juice, and water. Boil them of together until it becomes thick wax-like material, cool it off for 30 minutes and here you. Your homemade wax is ready without spending a single penny.

Turns out there's another use for your pumice stone that doesn't involve feet at all-natural hair removal.

The rough texture of pumice stone is great at catching hairs and removing them from your skin. Plus, this is a 100% natural hair removal remedy.

To try it yourself, use a dry pumice stone on clean, dry skin in small circular motions. The pores will cling onto hairs and pull them out.

Be sure to moisturize afterward, as the texture of a pumice stone also provides an exfoliating effect and may leave the skin dry.

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