Different types of Pool filters

Posted by John Smith on September 26th, 2019

One of the most important components of the pool treatment plant is the filter. It is the main mechanism of cleaning and purification of water and performs a crucial task to keep the water crystal clear and suitable for bathing.

The filter is responsible for removing impurities that, sometimes, we only realize that they exist when the pool has already lost all its beauty and healthy appearance. If you are in search of the many types of pool cleaner parts, do not miss to buy it from torontopoolsupplies.ca.

Although there are different types of pool filters, they all work in the same way: the pool water is sucked by the skimmer and sump thanks to the power supplied by the pump and passes to a tank or tank that contains a special material of filtered out. Then, return to the pool, completing a cycle. Depending on the use, a complete cycle of pool water per day is advised. We have all types of pool filter parts.

What we mean by "cycle" is the passage of all the water in the pool through the filter, a process whose duration depends on several factors: the size of the pool (in other words, the amount of water), the pump/motor power, and also the filter capacity itself. When choosing these components, all these factors must be taken into account, so that the cycle time is not excessive - about 8 hours are recommended for a residential pool.

Types of filters:

There are three different types of filters:

Sand filters: 

These are by far the most popular and, at the same time, are also the ones that require less maintenance. Sand is a natural filtering agent used by nature, and this principle applies to this filtration system. Water is cleaned by passing through a sand deposit. The great advantage of this purification mechanism is the durability of the filter, which could last even ten years, although it is advisable to change at seven. By allowing counter-washing, it is also extremely easy to clean.

Cartridge filters: 

Cartridge filters base cleaning on replaceable cartridges, which last approximately one year and must be cleaned every week. Its operation is similar to diatom filters, except that filtration is done based on manufactured materials. The great advantage is the ease of cleaning and its installation.

Diatom filters: 

Finally, diatomaceous filters, range stops. Diatoms are fossilized microscopic beings that act as filtering agents, with unprecedented efficacy: they work as micro-sponges, allowing water to pass through and containing dirt that is not even visible to the human eye.

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John Smith

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John Smith
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