Simple Steps Needed For Employee Empowerment In Your OrganizationPosted by Michael Griffin on September 26th, 2019 No amount of marketing can compare to the value of skilled employees capable of independent decision-making. Such skill should not be treated as a threat, it should be nurtured because independent personnel takes the decision-making workload off the employers. Moreover, if a crisis takes place in the absence of the upper management, such a workforce can be relied upon to manage the situation ensuring the smooth functioning of the organization. These capable workers need not be hired from the outside, such employees can be nurtured from within the available workforce. Following are the steps necessary for employee empowerment in Broomfield: Delegating ResponsibilitiesWhether it's in the form of asking employees to hold meetings or to brief the clients, giving important tasks to employees gives them the opportunity to learn and develop new skills needed for the functioning of the organization. This, of course, does not include delegating menial tasks that even an intern can perform. Defining Expectations Not MethodsMost employers tend to micromanage tasks directing their personnel about how to achieve the targets to the tee. While this will ensure that everything takes place as planned it will turn the workers completely reliant upon the boss for even the most menial tasks. On the other hand, giving the employee complete independence without making them understand what the assignment's goals are will leave them completely confused. What the employer should do is define the goals of the assignment while giving the employee complete independence on how it should be achieved. When a person knows what they are trying to achieve they can come up with creative ways to do so. Appreciating EffortRecognizing a job done well will encourage the staff to continue working hard while creating new ways to accomplish tasks for the betterment of the company. A few thanks now and again work just as well as incentives and increments. Unfortunately, many managers tend to think of hard work as something that should be expected rather than appreciated which discourages the staff. Holding Accountability CorrectlyA team that doesn't make mistakes has not tried anything new. Punishing failure to meet goals only discourages creativity and encourages reliability on the management. Instead, the team should be given a second chance to improve performance. However, there is a limit to what can be forgiven. For example, creating a faulty plan based on the error in research is acceptable but doing no research at all before wasting company resources on the plan is simply unforgivable. Learning While EarningThe more skills an employee learns the further they can push the company in the long run. Many companies have recognized this and finance their staff's education or even start programs to teach new skills, like data science and machine learning, needed by them to function in the modern workplace. If financing their education is impossible, then providing flexibility in work times or leave for the duration of the course will suffice. Valuing OpinionsMany times people come up with unique ideas about improving the organization but feel reluctant about sharing them either because the employer seems unapproachable or is unwilling to hear anything except what they want to. Practicing an open door policy encourages the exchange of new ideas and brings up any issues that the workforce may be facing. It also instills the feeling that they are trusted by the management. Having small talks with them also helps create a bond. Giving Time OffsA burnt-out employee cannot help the organization or themselves for that matter. Moreover, overworking has been defined as one of the leading causes of death around the globe. It is important for people to take breaks now and again so that they can get back to work with a fresh mind. They may also need some time for their family or some personal issue. Work should never feel like a burden to them and their well being. These are some steps that can be taken to nurture decision-making skills in one’s workforce. Employee empowerment in Broomfield is applicable to all industries and business sizes because such personnel is needed everywhere regardless of whether one runs a small food outlet or a large factory. Like it? Share it!More by this author |